Example sentences of "why [pers pn] are so " in BNC.

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1 I know why you are so jumpy , Mama , but you must n't think you are the only one who is being put out .
2 Apart from the above , FACE 44 demonstrates page after page why you are so important .
3 There must be another reason why you are so sad , ’ he said , looking kindly at me .
4 Think about why you are so angry .
5 What interests me is why you are so determined to find a scapegoat for your own inner fears . ’
6 And I 'm confident that I know that one reason why you are so upset at this moment is because you realize you made such an awful fool of yourself , have n't you ? ’
7 Is this why you are so unhappy ? ’
8 This is why you are so pale ? ’
9 We would be foolish to leave God out of our reckoning , never taking time to consider deeply why we are so restless with desire .
10 Perhaps the main reason why we are so strongly inclined to talk of the head as the locality of our thoughts is this …
11 And that is why we are so confident IBM — at least at the high levels where policy is made — has n't a clue about the nature of the large systems customers on which it depends for a considerable portion of its revenue and , we believe , more than half its gross profit .
12 One of the reasons why we are so ill-informed is that massive amounts are spent by the food industry advertising refined and heavily processed foods which often contain empty calories and excessive amounts of fats , sugars and salt .
13 Therefore , it is fair to ask why we are so keen on public transport if all experience over the past decade or so shows a fall in rail and bus passenger services and traffic in rural areas and in cities .
14 That is why we are so opposed to the system that charges the richest person in Westminster only £273 a year but the poorest person in Wigan £339 a year .
15 Secondly , they should decide in what manner and why they are so performed to give appropriate expression and sustain a style throughout the whole design .
16 ‘ We do n't understand why they are so bashful , ’ he added .
17 Joshua 6 and the rest are most readily understandable , and that is precisely why they are so alarming .
18 For most tumours , however , the genetic blueprint is normal , and two events are therefore required to knock out both copies of the relevant gene before a tumour arises , which is why they are so rare .
19 People can live for years with a small gas leak and never notice anything but always wonder why they are so tired .
20 Maybe this attitude lingers on in advanced Western societies , explaining why some people still wax so lyrical about arcane grammatical rules , the Oxford English Dictionary and all the other magical authorities , and why they are so indignant about feminists ‘ tampering with language ’ .
21 You can see why the bird needs such a spread of toes to keep balance , but also why they are so springy .
22 Nevertheless , certain facts about rights , more easily , if not solely , expressible in the language of claims and claiming , are necessary to a full understanding of what rights are and why they are so vitally important .
23 I do n't know why they are so strict , because a lot of the screws are lesbians .
24 That 's why they are so keen .
25 Such imaging centres have always been a part of the American scene , another reason why they are so much more advanced in their presentations technology than we are , but until very recently the only major European one was in Brussels .
26 There are three prime reasons why they are so important .
27 We want to know how they came into existence and why they are so complicated .
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