Example sentences of "why [pron] is important " in BNC.

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1 That is why it is important to work at night , he wrote .
2 But , you know , there may be many other reasons why it is important for him to get to the top so quickly .
3 It explains why it is important that you are protected against it .
4 It explains why it is important that you are protected against it .
5 You will notice that some creatures have names that are difficult to distinguish from one another ( not all are as pleasantly obvious as ‘ hippopotamus ’ ) , which is why it is important for you to read the list first and for the PP to say them in the same order to start with .
6 The treatment , in the case of phenylketonuria , is to put the baby on to a phenylalanine-free diet , thus bypassing the metabolic block , and this is why it is important to diagnose the condition as soon after birth as possible .
7 ‘ … offers a new , refreshing approach to productivity : why it is important , and how to manage and measure it … deals in a stimulating way with such productivity programmes as action learning , quality circles , inter-firm comparisons , and business clinics .
8 This is why it is important to accustom the child to being rewarded for good behaviour — punishment is knowing what he or she is missing .
9 Why it is important not to delay
10 There are numerous questions to be raised later about those women who would prefer to continue working , but this example illustrates clearly why it is important to distinguish between age per se and continuous tenure when considering wage profiles .
11 One major reason why it is important to provide an explanation hinges on the discrepancy between the present finding of no social class difference in housework satisfaction and the widespread notion that middle-class women are more likely to be dissatisfied .
12 These problems can be avoided if the nurse explains to the patient why it is important to move , and assists the patient to move with the minimum of discomfort .
13 I have explained some of the ways of getting to know members of the media and why it is important to have relationships with them within that framework , you must build a portfolio of individual contacts in the media world with whom you liaise , send material and can give special items and ideas from time to time .
14 That is why it is important that the recent troubles at Lloyd 's have more to do with its constitution and management than with the riskiness of the world in which the organization operates .
15 There are several reasons why it is important .
16 This is why it is important to reject tired old debates about nature versus nurture .
17 That is why it is important to extract the maximum amount of power from steam — the driving force for most of Britain 's power stations .
18 In preparing our views for the Government we felt one of the most pressing needs was to explain what the National Sustainability Plan is and why it is important , to a wider audience of opinion- formers and decision-takers in Wales .
19 In preparing our views for the Government we felt one of the most pressing needs was to explain what the National Sustainability Plan is and why it is important , to a wider audience of opinion- formers and decision-takers in Wales .
20 That is why it is important that those policies should continue .
21 That is why it is important to clarify the law .
22 Explain in your own words the difference between fixed assets and current assets and why it is important to classify assets into subgroups .
23 Explain what this means and why it is important to bankers and how this might differ for managers .
24 Describe why it is important to set objectives in the firm and comment on the problems of setting objectives .
25 Explain why it is important to determine the cost of products .
26 There are two reasons why it is important to look at the interactions .
27 It might be more or less efficient or more or less fair to assign liability to one party or the other , and this is why it is important that the legislature or the courts , whichever first have occasion to set the rule , make the right substantive decision .
28 ‘ That is why it is important that the democratic process works . ’
29 IDEALISM is a rare quality in the pragmatic world of football management , which is why it is important that Jim Jefferies should be successful in his attempt to keep Falkirk in the Premier Division by the rare route of playing attractive football .
30 That 's one of the reasons why it is important that we come around the Lord 's table .
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