Example sentences of "while [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Close attachments foster feelings of comfort and security , while investments in the well-being of others provides a rationale for one 's continued striving , a sense of continuity through time , and an opportunity for reliving and mastering unsatisfactory early experiences of one 's own .
2 Hitler 's proclamation on 24 February 1943 was , in fact , hardly noticed at all by the population , while reactions to the low-key speech on 21 March 1943 were dominated by the speculation over the astonishingly low figures for German war casualties which Hitler had given .
3 While exports for the year achieved a record , showing a 13 per cent increase at $364,300 million , imports had increased by 7.3 per cent to $472,900 million ( also a record ) .
4 Friends found leave to attend an election easily obtained , while enemies of the powerful would find their services in great demand with their regiments , at least until a vital election had taken place .
5 The winter 's exceptionally violent cyclones delayed this summer 's series of tests , while checks of the underground testing site 's integrity were completed .
6 Broadly speaking , waves with a high frequency ( 13–15 per minute ) are destructive , while waves with a lower frequency ( 6–8 per minute ) are constructive .
7 Rao 's supporters were able to limit the influence of his most obvious rivals , Defence Minister Sharad Pawar and Minister of Human Resources Arjun Singh , while supporters of the Gandhi family were nearly all defeated .
8 While voices from the marshes vainly cried out
9 Equally , some rugs which represent extremely good value as furnishing items , are not suitable for long-term investments , while rugs with the highest investment potential may be out of place as decorative items in the home .
10 The Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission , now headed by that great Canadian , Mr Hector Charlesworth , was beset with complaints from Quebec about English being spoken on national network stations in their province , while listeners in the prairies , maritimes and west coast regions cursed the CRBC when the French-Canadian announcers said ‘ Ici Radio Canada … ’ and went on to announce the programme in French .
11 While responses to the Kirklees Report were being discussed , a further incident gave impetus to more precise anti-racist policies .
12 They are said to have disagreed about the shape of the clerical tonsure , Rome insisting on a variation of the tonsure familiar today while prelates of the Celtic Church shaved the entire frontal section of the head , from the temples to the middle of the scalp , and left long hair hanging behind — the stereotyped modern image of the Druid .
13 The union has managed to keep the strike going even though Siberian miners are pressing for political changes only , while miners in the Ukraine , where living conditions are particularly wretched , also want large wage rises .
14 But ( the more so while elements of the most general training persist ) certain crucial human and social connections , or potential connections , are still there , in the shared resources of which these are developments .
15 Campaigns of terrorist violence from the anti-democratic right and from Basque separatists had a destabilizing effect , while elements in the military remained strongly attached to Franco 's authoritarian vision .
16 The press published premature and optimistic reports , while trials of the vaccine showed that it was ineffective .
17 Discussion of architectural history and theory accompanies a continuous series of design exercises and projects — each student has a workplace in a studio — while lectures on the construction and behaviour of buildings provide the background to practical workshops in the science laboratories .
18 This season the company has exported 640,000 tonnes of cereals and malt , while imports for the year are expected to exceed 200,000 tonnes .
19 In 1740 Britain exported about £0.7m. to North America and about the same amount to the West Indies , but twenty years later the West Indies took £1m. and the mainland took £2m. , while imports from the West Indies ran at £1.8m. and from the mainland at £0.6m .
20 Exports to Eastern Europe had increased by 67 per cent to US$81,500,000 , while imports from the region had increased by 95.8 per cent to US$112,600,000 .
21 From his VIP seat , ANC representative Steve Tshwete applauded enthusiastically , while Asians in the otherwise disappointing 7,000 crowd let off firecrackers .
22 For comparison , atoms in silicon are limited to less than half that frequency while atoms in a crystal of common salt have a maximum frequency of only 6 x 10 Hz .
23 Wrangham opines that while attacks on a possessor are rarely successful , such harassment often prevents eating .
24 Commenting on storming first quarter figures ( page five ) Autodesk Inc , Sausalito , California says the improvement was primarily due to continued strong worldwide demand for AutoCad Release 12 , especially in the Americas and Asia-Pacific regions — revenues in the Far East rose more than 25% compared with the year earlier , while revenues in the Americas rose more than 50% .
25 While stocks in the form of raw materials last — I am not talking about nuclear weapons but general armaments — the production will clearly continue .
26 While explanations at the molecular level are the aim , much of this book will still look at embryos at the cellular level , reflecting the current state of knowledge .
27 Ocean currents are important for other coastal plants such as some mangroves ( though none of these has reached the isolated archipelago of Hawaii ) , while seeds of the forest lianes , Entada ( Leguminosae ) , are washed even as far as Europe .
28 The termination of Selective Credit Control in favour of Competition and Credit Control and the removal of the ‘ corset ’ in 1980 , enabled clearing banks to move into areas previously denied them , while relaxations in a range of regulatory constraints in the run up to ‘ Big Bang ’ paved the way for further expansion .
29 Activists in rich countries will organise consumer boycotts of genetically engineered foods , while farmers in the south take action to oppose the patenting of genes .
30 A fifth , mid-century , scribe wrote the calendar , the verses and the Chronicle entries down to 490 , and a sixth the annals probably to the end of 1048 ; those to 1044 seem to have been written at one time , while changes in the appearance of the script suggest that subsequent entries were made year by year .
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