Example sentences of "something she do n't " in BNC.

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1 Since they 're not , it 's a fair bet that they show something she does n't want you to know .
2 Something she did n't recognize flashed in his eyes .
3 ‘ Go on , ’ Jess said , aware of something she did n't understand .
4 She was left uneasy by something she did n't understand .
5 But it was something she did n't want to talk about .
6 Something was happening here , something she did n't understand .
7 It also very much sounded as though he knew something she did n't , which was not a situation she liked .
8 If she waited much longer , she would be late at the shop , and as there was a good chance Lisa would be alone that was something she did n't really want to risk .
9 Because it suddenly occurs to me that I might have been left alone to get on with this assignment if my divisional head had n't beamed in on my activities and seen something she did n't like in my relationship with Rainbow .
10 Although her mother was n't the sort of person to tell you anything if it was something she did n't think you needed to know .
11 The wind and sun seemed to make everything race , to make her excited about something she did n't know , like a child .
12 It was still possible that Jamie knew something she did n't , without realizing its significance .
13 And then there was the business of Jamie Baird — no , she thought , that was something she did n't feel able to talk to Bridget about .
14 Er something she did n't expect and that 's why she could n't come .
15 Why did she have the feeling that he knew something she did n't ?
16 He muttered something she did n't catch , then she felt the slight bump as the boat drew alongside the steps of Ca' del Leone .
17 Everything had been shattered when he 'd brought another dimension into the situation , tried to force something she did n't want , something she did n't think she could ever face again …
18 Everything had been shattered when he 'd brought another dimension into the situation , tried to force something she did n't want , something she did n't think she could ever face again …
19 Her wide blue eyes focused on his face and then blurred as a safety defence for something she did n't want to see .
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