Example sentences of "something [adj] about [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Without knowing why , Ruth had always felt there was something unfinished about it .
2 It was interestingly designed , true enough , a charming affair of pink stucco backing against the hill , and with its own private path snaking towards the sea , but there was still something unfinished about it .
3 Montreal Central eventually served the CPR express lines as well as the CNR , but , compared with Toronto or Cincinnati Union , there was something half-hearted about it , despite the trumpetings with which it was received during the war .
4 Ruth knew there was something strange about him , but it seemed to take her an age to work out what it was : he was wearing a green cloak , and its folds drifted round him as if floating in water .
5 ‘ There 's something strange about him .
6 Is there something strange about him ? ’
7 Yeah , I thought he had something strange about him this morning .
8 ‘ Is there something strange about her ? ’
9 He told me that when the vaporetto arrived he had noticed something strange about it .
10 Bolinger gives the following set of examples , which do genuinely appear to show qualification of the sense alone , that is , of the property which identifies the entity , rather than of the entity itself : ( 1 ) total stranger lawful heir distant cousin mere kid To these , we might add the cases in ( 2 ) ; notice that the last example would be self-contradictory if the adjective were interpreted as an ordinary attributive : ( 2 ) Brent is a strong Republican the document was a complete blank ( If faced with a claim that we can explain the peculiarity of these adjectives by simply stating that they are adverbial impostors , we may respond that , even supposing that , deep down , there may be something adverbial about them , nonetheless speakers have chosen to use an adjective rather than an adverb , and this adjectival use needs to be described and if possible explained .
11 Not good enough to fret the days away ; let her use them , enjoy , let there be something rich about her to love and desire .
12 Michael knew that Peter did n't like Andrew touching the hat , could feel him tense because he felt there was something irreverent about it .
13 The writers take risks and every episode has something wacky about it : elaborate dream sequences ; an argument played back four different ways from the perspective of each of the participants ; the cast transported into the world of the Dick van Dyke Show .
14 There was something odd about them .
15 ‘ There is something odd about him .
16 There was something odd about him , an air of uncertainty , a dark , worried look at the back of his eyes .
17 Yes , Kelly reflected , there was something odd about it .
18 ‘ There 's something odd about it . ’
19 This was another voice , one I did n't know and there was something odd about it .
20 And for all that , there 's something endearing about them .
21 Although I could not see his face , there was something unpleasing about him and I was glad I had a weapon .
22 At least it did n't sound now quite like a typewriter , but there was something metallic about it .
23 Ever since the first time she had seen the Hare-woman standing in the Post Office , staring with her luminous eyes as she told one lie after another , she had known that there was something wrong about her .
24 Such a Government has something wrong about it .
25 Second , we might see something right about that theory of meaning or something wrong about it , and use this to determine our attitude to foundationalism in general ; thus we might avoid the need to consider all the different varieties one by one .
26 The turpentine smell had ‘ something mystical about it ’ .
27 Something unpushable about him had made Davies hesitate , and he 'd been all right , there had been nothing to fear ; he and Davies were friends now .
28 There was something funny about it , as if it had a deliberate mistake you were supposed to spot or something .
29 There was something raw about him ; his body sweated to its essence , his face betraying a hunger behind its symmetry that lent him a bedevilled look .
30 In fact , he grunted something complimentary about it being dashed public-spirited of me to come back so soon .
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