Example sentences of "mr [noun prp] over the " in BNC.

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1 But it is one thing to thumb your nose at Mr Gorbachev over the Kremlin wall , as many thousands did in a demonstration in Moscow last weekend .
2 Treasury chiefs admitted last night the bosses would be filing in to see Mr Lamont over the next three days .
3 Mr Walpit was fighting with Mr Welt over the failure of his cage and Mr Crangle skipped happily around his desk .
4 Mr Kinnock also sprang a surprise by restoring Ms Clare Short to the front bench less than a year after she resigned as spokeswoman on Employment in an acrimonious row with Mr Kinnock over the party 's stance on the Prevention of Terrorism Act .
5 During bitter exchanges in the Commons , Mr Smith challenged Mr Major over the about-turn in the Government 's view that the passing of Labour 's amendment — with the support of Tory rebels — would wreck the bill .
6 This had , and George Eliot knew it , little or even nothing to do with Christ 's injunctions to his followers , and certainly nothing at all to do with the Incarnation which was now being celebrated as the congregation sang " Unto us a Boy is Born " as Daniel at the white-draped altar , with its lovingly embroidered white cloth , watched with Mr Ellenby over the bread and wine .
7 The Prime Minister told MPs he had been misled by Mr Clark over the sanctions-busting sales of arms-building equipment to dictator Saddam Hussein .
8 Meanwhile , in Birmingham an 18 month dispute between Catholic authorities and Mr Fallon over the rebuilding of a Catholic primary school led to similar threats in three Conservative marginal constituencies .
9 During conference debate on industrial law , Brenda Dean , general secretary of the print union Sogat , attacked Mr Maxwell over the treatment of over 100 workers at the Nuffield Press in Oxford who , she said , had to agree to individual contracts or be sacked at the end of the week .
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