Example sentences of "mr [noun] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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31 Then Mr Banks turned to Mr Mellor and said : ‘ At least you get a speech and not cheap abuse from me . ’
32 Several Red Cross officials believed that the Swiss government had foolishly offered to trade Hariri for Mr Winkler and had then reneged on its promise .
33 According to these members , Mr Aleksandar Kwiasnewski , a ‘ liberal ’ who is much younger than Mr Rakowski and had a rapid rise in the last phase of the Communist government , could replace him .
34 It was won because Labour was the party of high taxation , because the Conservative Party presented an alternative , and because most electors neither admired Mr Kinnock nor believed that he could deliver the promises that he was making .
35 They heard a mixture of poetry , prose and politics , with a speech from Mr Kinnock that featured all three .
36 They did not give their reasons , but Fr Morrow said that they had told him they had carefully studied the Law Lords ' decision to allow feeding tubes to be removed from Mr Bland and felt that they could not serve the summons .
37 In his speech Sir Michael backed Mr Birt but said he should effectively be placed on probation for 12 months .
38 Others say that the chairman , Mr Hussey , 69 , should resign because he appointed Mr Birt and agreed to the tax arrangements .
39 For some time I was left standing at the counter but eventually one of four assistants came over , introduced himself to me as Mr Palmer and asked how he could help .
40 MR MICHAEL MATES , 57 , appointed Minister of State Northern Ireland Office , is a close associate of Mr Heseltine and managed his attempt to win the Tory leadership election in 1990 .
41 The EAT had a great deal of sympathy with Mr Bowles and considered the employers rather harsh , but nevertheless , the employee 's resignation as a result of his refusal to go to Scotland was neither a termination of contract by the employer nor constructive dismissal .
42 To her astonishment Mrs Rae patted Mr Patel and said , ’ So will I. Off you go , dear .
43 He stepped a yard onto the pitch to confront Mr Don and had to be shoved back by Gould .
44 The spokesman said airport staff had met with Mr Rodgers and had now asked the councillor to put his complaints in writing .
45 Oliver glanced at Mr Hellyer and added with regret , ‘ Not too big a suitcase .
46 He hugged Mr Trollope and shook hands with officers from the Serious Fraud Office who undertook the investigation against him .
47 After a marvellous speech from the Secretary of State , the Dean thanked Mr Waldegrave and introduced the work of the Faculty .
48 At the matinee on Boxing Day O'Hara , dragging a reluctant Nana by the collar , made his exit as Mr Darling and raced upstairs to transform himself into Captain Hook .
49 Police in Florida believe Magaly Carr , 29 , telephoned father-of-three Mr Bates and set up the fateful meeting where her boyfriend carried out the killing .
50 Hundreds of members of the 100,000-strong party backed Mr Alton and threatened to sever their links with the party .
51 Stephen Duffield , prosecuting , said Muise had worked for Mr Bayles and had seen him carrying money about .
52 The court was told Terence Jowers had his own grievance against Mr Archer and had taken the opportunity to sort it out .
53 At 62 , Mr Levitt is both older than Mr Breeden and considered less abrasive .
54 Early local press coverage brought forward more local people who either knew Mr Burns and saw the original or were involved in the building of other examples and wanted to see the recreation .
55 We have written to Mr Brind and suggested he comes and sees us . ’
56 The man forgot one issue , the European Monetary Union , it was Mr Major that took us into the Economic Monetary Union at the wrong way , he took us in on a political decision on the last day of a Labour Party Conference in Blackpool and he 's forgotten that .
57 The President of the EC Commission was given a tongue-lashing from Mr Major and told to drop his objections to a world trade deal or be sacked .
58 Labour leader John Smith ferociously attacked Mr Major and said the motion was being used to get support for a ‘ discredited Prime Minister and a discredited Government . ’
59 He pointed at Mr Major and demanded : ‘ I do not know how you can sit there as Prime Minister of a Government that is capable of deceit on such a scale .
60 It shifted the political spotlight from blundering Mr Major and allowed the Tories to claim that Labour are just as divided as them .
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