Example sentences of "much as she had " in BNC.

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1 Surely it was enough to have got as much as she had .
2 Although only sixteen , she was not much shocked by his attempts , but she was alarmed by her own lack of response , for she did not fancy him nearly as much as she had fancied the infinitely tedious Higginbotham .
3 She had perhaps a few spoonfuls of oil ; she was told to pour those minute contents of her jar into jars that might have held a hundred times as much as she had .
4 The pattern was much as she had described it .
5 Linnet — who could doubt it ? — had endured untold agonies beneath her cool , just a shade too persistent smile , finding little consolation , perhaps , but hardly so much as she had pretended , in the renewed attentions of Uriah Colclough .
6 She was very much as she had expected to be , having found in her marriage nothing to surprise her nor to cause her the least distress .
7 The following morning , accompanied at Aunt Emily 's command by a trembling Lyddy who was sure she was going to the very mouth of Hades , Alexandra was driven out to Trelorne , dressed very much as she had been when she trespassed along the shore .
8 , And much as she had disliked the old women when they were grasping at her and joking about her , she did notice that they comforted her mother , talking about her two lovely clever daughters , and made her join in a bit of a singsong and made her laugh .
9 It occurred to her , just before she went to sleep , that she disliked Miss Sandra Bamfield as much as she had ever disliked anyone … except maybe Tommy Bellinger .
10 Because when , without so much as a scrap of protest , Ven had let go of her just now , she had started to get the idea that perhaps he had n't desired her anywhere near as much as she had wanted him .
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