Example sentences of "much [conj] i can " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes I have wondered myself , but have made so many friends and learnt so much that I can never regret the decision .
2 well I do n't mind too much because I can erm , I can always be getting on with erm , the , the erm judgment on the , on the , the other issues , erm er
3 I said ‘ O.K. , I can only work as much as I can physically , no more . ’
4 Now I want control of as much as I can cope with .
5 And find out as much as I can .
6 At leat that 's as much as I can remember until the next morning when I woke up with my head in an invisible , sealed gold-fish bowl of pain .
7 I sweep the rod back as much as I can in the confined space and , although the fish is rather small at about 1¼lb , it kicks up quite a fuss and there is nothing I can do to stop it splashing .
8 But I like to be independent as much as I can , and they 've got more than enough to do with the people that ca n't help themselves .
9 ‘ All my prize-money has gone towards my next tournament ; I 'm playing and practising as much as I can .
10 ‘ I try to do that as much as I can , without getting ridiculously cosmic about it .
11 On the other hand , of course I ask for as much as I can get . ‘
12 ‘ I like to have a massage and eat as much as I can .
13 I want to ride as much as I can , but I want to try to be sensible at the same time .
14 I 'd say it was a dog but it 's very , very old and that 's as much as I can tell .
15 ‘ I want to get as high as I am able to , and to contribute as much as I can to the team .
16 Many people think you can only do what the punchcard tells you to do but , being me , I always try to get as much as I can from them — even with a lace card I 'll try knitting it in different ways .
17 ‘ I try to get home as much as I can , ’ said Charles .
18 Can I find a way of being a teacher — can I see any role models — which allows a satisfactory compromise between my career ambitions , my wish to be a good subject teacher , my desire to promote my broader educational ideals , my intention to be a ‘ real person ’ as much as I can , and my commitment to improving the status and conditions of teaching as a profession ?
19 I 'll stay in the village , but I 'll still look after Mr Gargery as much as I can . ’
20 I was sent to school here , so I must learn as much as I can . ’
21 I 'm helping you as much as I can .
22 ‘ Renascia and as much as I can remember of Earth legends and perhaps something about the Dark Lodestar as well . ’
23 ‘ That 's about as much as I can salvage , ’ she said .
24 ‘ I am also anxious to learn as much as I can about AEA , and we are planning a series of visits to the different sites over coming months .
25 I stay in as much as I can , even in hot sunny weather .
26 I mean he does n't want for nothing , he gets as much as I can give him .
27 ‘ It 's my main home as much as I can make it so .
28 I said , I do n't want to hassle you but I 'm going to give you as much as I can .
29 ‘ I contribute as much as I can .
30 ‘ In any case , I 've had about as much as I can take from your dear friend for today — thank you very much . ’
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