Example sentences of "much [noun] as they " in BNC.

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1 In the absence of any corporate direction , BR 's excursion trains then were not much more than a mishmash of bright and not so bright ideas by divisional and area managers , which lost as much money as they made .
2 In practice , under threat of dismissal or of heavy fines , or even of just not making so much money as they might , many dealers succumb to the temptation of exaggerating short-term prospects .
3 [ Mond is said to have complained , away back in the 1880s , that his company was n't concentrating on chemistry any more but on making money , a complaint perhaps most easily made by those who have already acquired as much money as they can reasonable need . ]
4 I hope the health service 's attitude has changed because anyone suffering from anorexia feels isolated and needs as much support as they can get — from doctors and their family .
5 The various houses hid as much Champagne as they dared by sealing up some of their cellars , but they had to be very careful not to attract attention .
6 Try to give people as much responsibility as they can handle ( within reason ) .
7 They plot , they devise stratagems , they cause as much confusion as they can .
8 Schools are prevented by law from charging for the curriculum , including charging pupils and their parents directly for school trips and visits , yet on the other hand schools are encouraged to generate as much revenue as they possibly can .
9 I 'm given as much independence as they can give me , so I do n't feel I 'm isolated .
10 They tend to be kind and wish to give the candidates as much help as they can , although there is no compulsion on them to cover every detail of the syllabus .
11 However this may not give a learner as much help as they can get from seeing the actions , people , objects and settings location footage will contain .
12 ‘ But they have access to those who are and they 're determined to exert as much influence as they can according to their convictions . ’
13 They can make as much mess as they like and when the weather 's nice they can spill out into the garden . ’
14 Everyone who wants to act professionally should try to see as much drama as they possibly can — and this means in the broadest sense , watching television , cinema , visiting the theatre and looking at the actor 's work carefully and analytically .
15 The first two children fill up their spoons with water and run to the other end and deposit as much water as they have left in the glass .
16 The Hydro Board were playing tunes with their dams , and did a great deal to lessen the impact by holding back as much water as they could .
17 But Commander Roy Penrose , who organised yesterday 's raids , said : ‘ We do not believe they had as much explosives as they claimed .
18 Collectively , these statutes enable the police to stop and search suspects and ask for personal details , to enter forcibly and search private properties , to detain suspects for questioning for up to 72 hours and to use as much discretion as they require to impose bans or conditions on marches or assemblies .
19 So the idea is idea is that a kind of arms race will develop between the siblings to amplify the signal to get as much back as they can from , from the parent .
20 The price of lead was falling , men were being laid off and John ( along with others ) and with as much grace as they were able to muster , had had to be prepared to accept a reduction in salary .
21 The entertainment role of the press was confirmed too by the Press Commission finding that most people felt their paper gave them as much news as they wanted .
22 As I put it in the course of the argument , and as I sincerely believe , ‘ good parenting involves giving minors as much rope as they can handle without an unacceptable risk that they will hang themselves . ’
23 It 's probably where the expression ‘ work like a dog ’ was born ; no wonder they shuffle under the shearing sheds and grab as much sleep as they can when they 're not clambering over sheep 's backs or kicking up the fine , red dust .
24 ‘ Separate beds it is to minimise the infection , as much liquids as they can take , except milk .
25 Lyell saw each biogeographical province as a ‘ centre of creation ’ where new species typical of that province were created from time to time , spreading out from the centre to occupy as much territory as they could .
26 The farmers remember the lawless boom times a decade ago , when they grew as much coca as they could manage for the drug traffickers who came from the other side of the continent to their market town .
27 For just as the latter are then not receiving as much employment as they would normally like at the prevailing real wage rate , so the former are not providing as much as they would normally like .
28 The mothers told her they had given their children , who ranged in age from six to 17 , as much information as they could .
29 Where this is the case it is interesting to note that the Access to Personal Files ( Social Services ) Regulations 1989 require local authorities to disclose as much information as they can by omitting names and sensitive information or by other means .
30 We 're aiming it at , at private individuals — people who 've got an interest in the Stock Exchange , and are trying to update their interest and get as much information as they can about it .
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