Example sentences of "never [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Someone should teach them how to be gracious , how to accept compliments prettily , how never to wear a grey suit to a party however bored one is with designing clothes . ’
2 ‘ I never 'ad a French lady lodger before — mind , it 's four shillings a week , being a nice large front room with a comfortin' bed and an 'andsome fireplace . ’
3 Never make a late cut until September and then only on alternate Tuesdays . ’
4 Never make a rash move in conflicting traffic situations because you 'll find yourself Er they might gesticulate at you , they might blow their horn at you , they might say some very rude words that you 've never heard before .
5 This reluctance could be seen as part of the general strict interpretation of exclusion clauses , but in a line of cases it was suggested that there was a rule of law that an exclusion clause could never cover a fundamental breach .
6 The Left never formed a unified whole .
7 During the novel Lady Bertrmm and Sir Thomas never display a great deal of affection towards one another .
8 I never met a queer yet who could n't be fixed by a sock in the jaw . ’
9 For example , I have never received a personal letter following my stay to thank me for my custom .
10 They ( or most of them ) had never received a formal education , so at times they landed in trouble .
11 In October 1978 , Sid Vicious — whom Malcolm McLaren had described as ‘ never seeing a green light ; it was always on red ’ — woke up in his room in the Chelsea Hotel , New York , to find the body of his girlfriend , Nancy Spungen , sprawled on the bathroom floor , dead from multiple knife wounds .
12 Before this year , Ayodhya , a community of 30,000 Hindus and 2,000 Muslims , had never witnessed a religious clash .
13 The Wall itself never became a complete line of defences .
14 As a result , although his club was one of the first to develop Smiley culture , much to his relief Danny never became a tabloid Mr Big .
15 His boyhood feats set the pace for a long and successful career as an international grandmaster , but , though he scored some spectacular defeats , Reshevsky never became a close challenger for the world championship .
16 As an operating system the canals never became a large-scale employer like the railway companies , whose " servants " as well as engineers and trackmen on the " permanent way " included the new " uniformed working class " .
17 Spectator sport may have been partially commercialized but it never became a capitalist leisure enterprise .
18 The rival claims of the two departments never became a contentious matter among the ‘ boy labour ’ group of reformers , though the majority appear to have favoured the Board of Trade .
19 Burgess was lonely and bored , missed his bohemian life in Soho , never attempted to learn Russian , and never became a Russian citizen .
20 He sat as one of the justices of King 's Bench in Easter term 1271 but never became a regular justice of the court .
21 Unlike the role it played in the IFL , political anti-semitism never became a total ideological explanation of all the imagined ills of British society for most of the official leadership of the BUF , though there were obvious exceptions like William Joyce and some of the speakers he trained for the East End campaign of 1935 — 7 .
22 For although his daughter Maire never became a top ballet star she is a member of a highly successful family band .
23 For this reason , Mayall 's dominance was confined to the spinning sector of south-east Lancashire , and his firm never became a conspicuous leader of the cotton industry in the manner of Horrockses of Preston or Rylands of Manchester .
24 Even then Chaplin avoided being too socially specific , for over and above this there was his own never quite fully adult quality and his essential reliance on mime technique and silence which ensured that he remained a fairy-tale symbol and never became a real-life person .
25 You 've never heard a speed-thrash organ pop LP called ‘ Life ’ , never experienced ‘ The Beast Inside ’ 's prog rock excesses and never drifted off to the gorgeous pop of ‘ This Is How It Feels ’ .
26 Perhaps perversely I have nothing but admiration for the high-wire acrobatics of Mady Mesplé in ‘ Diapiacer mi balza il cor ’ from Magpie , but then , I 've never heard a complete version of this opera , ‘ authentic ’ or otherwise .
27 I have never heard a tufted duck quack , or indeed make any kind of noise so I was intrigued to learn that the female bird growls .
28 But he saw the reaction also of the Africans , who had never heard a white man speak in such terms .
29 Not the place to leap on if you 've never heard a single GOR song , but the dedicated and the brave newcomer will find much on ‘ Too Much Fun ’ to fall in love with .
30 But how much sympathy will they give to a platform whose rules are ‘ Never trust a scientific report ’ and ‘ Never trust a scientist ’ ?
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