Example sentences of "never [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I never shared my family 's passion for horses .
2 John was never to see his son again .
3 I never overstayed my welcome and always dreamed up some excuse if any of them suggested meeting me outside working hours .
4 Coleen listened to his amorous overtures of love never doubting his sincerity , but she still wanted to be sure and she tried to gently tell him so ; she had to be sure before she said ‘ yes ’ .
5 In the two years they had been operating , Stephen had taught her never to lose her temper with the guests , however unreasonable , but to try to win them over .
6 Shoes were kept on wooden trees , never to lose their shape , or seam across with age .
7 DIEGO MARADONA last night bowed to the supreme talent of Paul Gascoigne and urged him never to lose his individuality .
8 ‘ Ray told me never to lose my individuality , always to believe in what I did best .
9 I would never eat their meat out there anyway cos I think pony in it
10 But my father never realised his plan
11 It took the Venetians until 1420 to win control of all the territory promised to them by Ladislas , who in fact never realised his ambition to wear the crown of Hungary .
12 ‘ I never realised our dog was so clever ! ’
13 When he worked at night he prepared properly , never allowing his vision to become impaired in any way .
14 Israel had never hidden its willingness to enter into a hostage exchange deal .
15 ‘ Conditions were a disgrace in the second half , ’ said McLean who has never hidden his hatred of a strong wind .
16 She never met my eye .
17 The men were sullen and never met his eye ; but someone had to organise them , and no-one cared to oppose him .
18 A MUCH-PRAISED AMERICAN playwright , John Guare has never received his due in this country — not , I think , because his comedies do n't appeal to the English sense of humour but because it 's difficult for actors here to get across their vision of insane optimism and everyday insanity .
19 Scriptwriter Tony Warren never expected his creation , played by William Roache , to last for more than a few years .
20 ‘ I never frizz your hair ! ’
21 ‘ She never promised me that first time , so she 's never broken her promise to me yet .
22 I did n't know that they could , but I 'd always sworn to her that I would never involve her in any way and I 've never broken my word .
23 Getting on in years , he might well have considered the possibility of never seeing his homeland again .
24 So how could he not be far more upset than he would admit at the thought of the gap it would leave in his life and the prospect of probably never seeing his father again ?
25 Has never withdrawn his support since .
26 The critics never review my work , but this concerns me little as they have no power and little influence .
27 And he never turns his back to me .
28 Flora had never forgiven her husband for dying ten years before , leaving her badly off .
29 Kylie has never disguised her contempt at being sniped at by critics who dismiss her talents as an actress and as a singer .
30 He never asked her name .
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