Example sentences of "never [vb infin] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And the Anglo-Catholic tradition would never swallow the idea that world Christianity was a federation of Protestant Churches .
2 They 'll never swallow the frame-up . ’
3 In a well-known collection of essays , New Essays in Philosophical Theology , Antony Flew argues that believers will never answer the question : What event or series of events would provide sufficient evidence against the existence of God to stop you believing ?
4 And the one thing I could never do as a viewer of ’ University Challenge ’ I could never answer the questions .
5 And the one thing I could never do as a viewer of ’ University Challenge ’ I could never answer the questions .
6 It will probably never build the 2.8m transistor 601 , which is projected to have a three-year life cycle .
7 It would be listened to , judged , and perhaps dismissed , like any other piece of information from outside ; it would never attain the privilege of being liberated from the constraint of logical thought .
8 He would never make a mistake about something like that .
9 They ca n't consider everybody or they could never make a decision .
10 You 'll never make a poker player , Miss Swift ! ’
11 It marks a change of heart for Scorsese , who once swore he would never make a film about the Mafia , and led De Niro to break a few rules of his own : ‘ I was in the middle of filming We 're No Angels when we started to discuss GoodFellas and began working on my role , Jim Conway , together .
12 Alice , helpfully squatting by him , thought : This one would never make a boss ; he 's an employee ; he ca n't work without somebody holding his hand .
13 ‘ You 'll never make a writer , ’ he said .
14 ‘ We 'll never make a policeman out of you , Auguste . ’
15 Well we had eight different presentations , er i warmed , I suppose , to two of them erm was a small engineering company in the motor trade which , while it will never make a fortune will probably make a living and the people seem to need help .
16 The studio 's young head , Irving Thalberg , was rightly worried that Foolish Wives would never make a profit .
17 Except for Robin , who had a slight talent for painting , they were plodders , who would never make a mark on the world ; and even Robin was too unsteady to forge his own way .
18 ‘ I 'll never make a secretary , Aggie ; I 've got nothing up top . ’
19 Nothing but a beast , dumb and rude and mute and savage , she called him under her breath ; a man who could only talk men 's talk , who had none of the graces a nobleman would have , but of course Tommaso Talvi would never make a nobleman .
20 No no , they will never make a price in Perth now you have terrified them , ’ and Cameron would have to spend a good few shillings to make the drove move on .
21 But he insists regret should never make a footballer compromise on toughness .
22 He flexed his hands under the cloth , and shouted irritably at Rosa , ‘ You 'll never make a city woman , thank God , ’ and then , seeing her face fall , wondered at it .
23 And Mark — he would never make a priest .
24 " You 'll never make a nun , you baggage .
25 They said I 'd never make a manager .
26 ‘ I would not like to have the task of telling her that she would never make a crime reporter ! ’
27 I despaired when I heard Sir Geoffrey Howe , who was Foreign Secretary at the time , speak at the Tory Party Conference in October and heard him repeat the same old stock phrase : Britain will never make a deal over its hostages in Lebanon .
28 ‘ The bugger said I 'd never make a businessman .
29 Joshua Cohen had long ago recognised that Jacob would never make a businessman and had quickly abandoned his dream of having his son join him in his scrap-iron store .
30 I would never make a pass at Caduta — no , not Caduta and if you made a pass at her , I 'd beat you up .
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