Example sentences of "never [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Though attitude surveys were never widely used in Britain , none the less , the achievements of these researchers have inevitably influenced the work of modern survey analysts in the design and the analysis of questionnaires .
2 A fascinating satirical theme is never properly pushed to its limits and all concerned sadly bottle out , with plot and action drooping along with its protagonists ' derrieres .
3 The question of what he was to do with himself for the rest of his life was never properly resolved in his mind or anyone else 's , which perhaps accounts for his periodic assaults on the whiskey bottle — what Minto called ‘ Warnie 's benders ’ .
4 But in any case , Schopenhauer 's terms of reference were such that the poet-composer could never properly comply with them , for the simple reason that they reduced the role of the word in a musical context to nothing more than a necessary evil .
5 It was never properly looked after and could sometimes have as much as two inches of muddy water in it — enough for a child to drown in if he fell over .
6 BELVILLE : " Ounds , I was never so managed in my life .
7 Like Gwen John , or Artemisia Gentileschi , Angelica Kauffman was never entirely obliterated from art history .
8 This difficulty was never entirely overcome in the Middle Ages ; but the camel had already been swallowed by Gregory of Tours 400 years before our period opens , when after describing King Clovis 's engaging knaveries , he added the astounding comment : ‘ God … increased his kingdom , because he walked before Him in uprightness of heart , doing that which was pleasing in His sight . ’
9 Christians never entirely clarified to their own satisfaction the questions about how much of this appeal they could afford to yield to .
10 The second-hand boat market is saturated ; yachts seem to drop in value to a level that lasts for decades , never entirely disappearing from the market .
11 I 've never entirely agreed with the policy of restricted entry , although one knows all the arguments why this has been necessary .
12 It remains the case that for much of our constitutional history the Cabinet and its forerunners were never greatly liked by Parliament which was at times bitterly hostile to it and tried to stamp it out .
13 It was never greatly used in food , even in mediaeval times , but it had considerable medicinal application , and still has , for certain ailments .
14 Grazing species leave characteristic winding trails , and these have been tentatively identified as fossils , but with the usual caution that the trail makers themselves are never apparently preserved at the end of their tracks .
15 In British higher education the precision with which goals are stated is usually inversely related to their institutional generality ; thus course and grassroots teaching teams usually have clearly articulated goals ; faculty goals are often pious but hopelessly vague ; institutional goals are rarely stated and are never sufficiently defined to be operationalizable .
16 Elizabeth never much believed in the ‘ place ’ , but she and John did some detective work in Wiltshire .
17 You know , er er and they 'd tell people and , and there was no , never much debating as such .
18 There was never much doubt about which language the colonial rulers would use in local administration .
19 I was never much use at school work , but he said that did n't matter , what was important was finding something and doing it so that you became good at it , better than the others , and that made you a person , gave you something they did n't have .
20 Never much cared for gastrics .
21 He did n't approve of me , and to be honest I never much cared for him , either .
22 I seem to remember one of them , one whom my mother-in-law had never much cared for , loaded down on her way to the front door with ornaments and household bric-à-brac from stomach to chin .
23 And I never much cared for the bumptious , muscular side of The Smiths , so I welcome the spaciness Vini Reilly brings as new guitarist , whether it 's the lurid wig-out of ‘ Alsatian Cousin' or the dew-and-moonbeam iridescence of ‘ Late Night , Maudlin Street ’ .
24 Nilsson , firmly entrenched in her seventies , leaves her native Sweden only rarely nowadays and she never much cared for recording studios .
25 ‘ Carrington , I must admit I never much believed in any of this malarkey , but it looks as if I 've been proved wrong .
26 It should always be used with definite intention — never mechanically added to the ensemble without consciously imagining its effect .
27 Julian Schnabel , never exactly known for his sense of humour ( at least in his work ) , shows drawings this month at Matthew Marks ( 4 February to 6 March ) and ‘ The Seven Deadly Sins ’ — a series of paintings on paper by William Burroughs ( yes , the author ) — are at Gagosian uptown until 11 February .
28 Grundrisse consists of a series of notebooks which were never finally prepared for publication and are therefore somewhat untidy and unsystematic .
29 Novato , California-based WordStar International Inc has been hit by an Australian court award against it ordering it to pay $3.2m to Perfect Information Pty Ltd as damages on its claim it was wrongfully terminated as one of WordStar 's Australian distributors ; WordStar will appeal the ruling , maintaining the plaintiff was never lawfully engaged as a distributor .
30 I have never elsewhere come across the style of this interior , although I recognise it as in a very common tradition .
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