Example sentences of "never [prep] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And yet even to his relatives he must have seemed still in part a " foreigner " , with his accent and his clothes ; that was an aspect of his loneliness , never to be completely at home anywhere .
2 A politics of the future has to engage with , learn from , the new , never to be simply satisfied with tracking opinion polls or empty gestures but empowering those who have been left cold by all our agendas .
3 Disbelief that closures could be achieved within these constraints was never to be wholly suspended and in important ways served to hamper the subsequent implementation process .
4 This is a proof ( never to be too often proved ) that when one has thought out a story nothing remains but the labour .
5 Bill Pedler was made an Honorary Member but was never to be quite the force he was prewar .
6 And yet what does it mean to understand the formulations of someone for whom , on the face of it , final understanding is impossible , or never to be fully achieved ?
7 The RAF ground crews , the unsung heroes of this time , continued to work round the clock , the air crews seemed never to be out of their aeroplanes , and the rest of us waltzed through our duties with the exhilarating feeling that at last things were on the move in the right direction .
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