Example sentences of "think it [vb mod] be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's terribly expensive , and I have to make two trips a week , but I think it may be doing me good . ’
2 As Chapman observed : ‘ Although I do not suggest that the Arsenal go on the defensive even for tactical purposes , I think it may be said that some of their best scoring chances have come when they have been driven back and then have broken away to strike suddenly and swiftly . ’
3 The scarfing is very subtle and follows the natural grain of the wood almost perfectly , but I think it may be a little low down for the strengthening job it was designed to fulfil .
4 I will race out to buy the video , because I think it may be more digestible chopped into bite-size pieces and perused in terminally sleazy surroundings when one is tanked up on Sol and takeaway Chinese .
5 ‘ But I think it may be too icy , ’ I added , as a let-out clause .
6 I have noted that flicking is very common where such a substrate is used and I think it may be from mechanical irritation of the gills by tiny bits of coral suspended in the water .
7 You can use it for a lot of things , but when you get down to analyse it , I think it may be the law of the jungle where the strongest survive ; and I do n't know necessarily whether that 's a bad thing .
8 But I think it may be more appropriate if I actually met with say the management committee as opposed to myself yes I 'm quite happy to do that to meet any individual or group who feel they have some concerns they wish to discuss and I give that I give that assurance this evening .
9 The name may have derived from the old British , gala or gwala , describing a full or swiftly flowing stream , though some etymologists think it may be the Cymric gal , meaning ‘ scattered ’ .
10 I think it may be twice a week .
11 I think it may be timbered outside , indoors there are a lot of beams , the floors all sag , and the ceilings are very low .
12 ‘ I think it may be too late for words . ’
13 There may be justifiable frustration at the low priority currently assigned to Rights of Way in county highway departments , but we think it may be better to ensure statutory responsibility remains within local government so that the interests of pedestrians , riders and cyclists can be greatly enhanced as part of a wider ‘ greening ’ of local transport policies .
14 ‘ I think it may be , but we may get Place to tell us . ’
15 ‘ I think it may be possible .
16 ‘ I think it may be even more important that he should meet me .
17 Unfortunately , I think it may be beyond my powers as a programmer to set up such a counterfeit world .
18 Mr Cunnane I think it may be helpful , bearing in mind that you do not support the proposed level for housing provision in Selby to try to as isolate that element from our discussion .
19 Mm no he 's had it over a period of time , we think it may be hereditary cos his father had some back trouble too when he was alive
20 I think it may be it may be that they could perhaps get more money if the local parties affiliated separately but
21 I think it may be some weeks before completion of the deal .
22 ‘ I still think it may be the only way to get them to move to a real meaningful ceasefire , real meaningful peace talks , ’ Clinton said .
23 I think it would be best if I went somewhere else . ’
24 I think it would be more difficult to gain access and get co-operation [ from a British Force ] .
25 I think it would be dead interesting .
26 ‘ I think it would be safer if we continued our conversation in the trench .
27 I think it would be best for you also .
28 ‘ You think it would be for the best then ? ’
29 ‘ I think it would be safer . ’
30 ‘ We think it would be better as a private company , without that pressure ’ , said Mr De Haan , though he said the move did not reflect any disenchantment with the City .
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