Example sentences of "us [adv prt] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The macho driver helped us on and said , ‘ come on your three . ’
2 When you call us on and tell us of any defective traffic signals or pedestrian crossings , we will get things moving again .
3 The clans are gone and we stray about , waifs in our own homeland , letting government suck us in and swallow us and spew us out on foreign shores .
4 Soon as the royal visitor had gone , he called us in and told us never to do such a thing again .
5 In spite of our obtrusive entry he made us welcome , inviting us in and lighting a fire .
6 The farmer 's wife invited us in and gave us cheesy , potato turnovers — it would not be polite to refuse .
7 and er , that was at eight o'clock and er , then they all came back at about quarter past eight and er they sat us down and said daddy died at twenty to nine
8 He would have settled us down and kept us calm , and there is no doubt that we would have won , ’ said Mr Ferguson .
9 It pinned us down and made us feel that we could n't not go back without feeling terribly guilty .
10 In both of these cases our body clock is wrongly timed for our life-style and so it does not cool us down and make us feel more fatigued in the hours just before bedtime .
11 Drop us off and go off to do your bingo .
12 I 'm looking for the magical pleasureboat , to carry us off and lose us in a kingdom out at sea .
13 Well they dusted us off and brought us out occasionally and that yes .
14 ‘ Pompey 's third goal killed us off and allowed them to run the show .
15 He keeps touching me and Harried up and once he took us both off into a little room to tell us off and stroked Harriet 's leg .
16 In fact , when Chris , Sara , Michael and I visited her in hospital , it was she who cheered us up and made us laugh !
17 Otherwise we 'll phoning us up and complaining .
18 The time flew by and the coach came to pick us up and take us home .
19 Thankfully there 's always Dave Hemingway 's grin , Brian Corrigan 's Grogan-esque voice and Heaton 's foppish dancing to cheer us up and turn it into a gorgeous and lurvely night .
20 Sir John said on the programme : ‘ They rang us up and said would we go across .
21 This is three elements out of about nine or ten , now if they could be persuaded that if people phoned us up and said blah blah blah I want to learn this we could say well Telford will let you do this one unit of the course , they learn the one unit of the course , they say right I 'd now like to learn about let's say photography and we find out that Queen Margaret 's College in their course have an element on photography so we point the student in that direction and then they do this hold on a second
22 It really put a damper on the whole house and straight away cheered us up and got rid of the edginess we were all feeling .
23 We 'd get our demands because anything was done to shut us up and get us out of their offices .
24 I managed to keep afloat then till , as I said we found this half a lifeboat and there was couple of fellows and er I managed to swim over to that and pull myself up on it and for there the inflatable off the standby boat came alongside , picked us up and put us on then standby boat .
25 She gave us much rein to pull in any direction , but never failed to pull us up and say , in effect , ‘ what the hell are you up to ? ’ or ‘ stop that carry-on at once ! ’
26 ‘ Friends ring us up and say : ‘ What ! you 're in bed at this time ! ’ laughs Ted .
27 I keep , apart from the fact that we 've got an enormous number of deadlines , but David keeps saying , ’ we must stop ’ , and then people ring us up and say ’ Oh , I , can I do this ’ , and we 've , you know people say , ’ Oh , well , I play the saxophone ’ , and then we find out that he 's got a huge band and he 's very famous , and they 've just rung us up to say , you know , can we play for you for free .
28 He 'd just rob us and tie us up and leave us for the wolves , I expect . ’
29 There was , I remember , quite a restful interlude up some alley or other , during which we reclined panting on a heap of cardboard boxes ; then two young men jovially gathered us up and escorted us back into the action .
30 Being deprived of the goals , our desire eats us up and leaves us dissatisfied and with a sense of longing .
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