Example sentences of "us [to-vb] that it " in BNC.

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1 The Elizabethan playwright , Ben Jonson , challenges us to see that it is appropriate to appreciate everything :
2 There is a famous passage in which he invites us to acknowledge that it would be better that a world of which no one would ever be conscious should contain beautiful objects than that it should contain ugly objects .
3 ‘ It is unreasonable for us to accept that it is commonplace for people like our Cabinet Ministers to have affairs , and yet to consider that someone like the Prince of Wales is unfit for the job . ’
4 The theory of disengagement has led us to believe that it is a normal feature of growing old to withdraw from social life , that isolation and loneliness is a chosen path and not the product of enforced retirement , low income , low status and inadequate social provision .
5 Trevor Pinnock ensures that the music keeps moving , and never allows us to forget that it conveys the emotional meaning of the words and is not , as some interpreters would have us believe , detached from all relevance except the purity of its own sound .
6 ‘ If the method was copied , whoever did it intended us to think that it had been copied clumsily and stupidly .
7 Episcopal power was not cut and dried , although the canons , the saints ' Lives and the epitaphs of bishops would like us to think that it was .
8 However , it has been so dramatic that I think it would be difficult for us to say that it was due to anything but the dietary changes , especially in view of the double-blind trial . ’
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