Example sentences of "us [verb] that we " in BNC.

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1 [ 9 ] When we build , let us think that we build for ever .
2 Let us know that we are really alive and the only way we can do this is to live with ever growing joy and enthusiasm .
3 God means us to know that we are in Christ , and has given us the Spirit to assure us .
4 It pinned us down and made us feel that we could n't not go back without feeling terribly guilty .
5 Bishop O'Brien made us feel that we were a very important part of the world-wide Church and he encouraged us for our future as adult members of the Catholic Church .
6 They do this to make us feel that we are significant — they are recognising the customer as an individual .
7 However , it is important for us to remember that we still do n't really understand how this recoding is done by the brain .
8 Let us ensure that we do not try to make ourselves look better than we really are by humiliating others .
9 This time last year , most of us believed that we were on the threshold of a new era of peace and co-operation in international affairs .
10 Let us assume that we persuade the Government of the day to allow one day of prime Government time for that debate .
11 Let us assume that we have selected twenty cases who all have the same bugs growing in their throats .
12 Let us assume that we have been more careful and not leapt before we looked .
13 Or to express it in more popular terms : let us assume that we had a complete proportionality in every branch of production , in the sense of their unilateral connection in one direction : from means of production to means of consumption …
14 However , let us assume that we are interested in individuals .
15 Let us assume that we have fixed on a particular language .
16 To see how this works , let us assume that we have reached the penultimate node in the search space , as in Figure 8.1 below .
17 Let us assume that we already know the size of sample , the type of respondent ( child , housewife , air traveller , etc. ) , whether or not questions are to be asked on more than one occasion , whether there are likely to be seasonal fluctuations , whether the study is to be factual or attitudinal or both , and so on .
18 He compares war in modern circumstances with a plague , and tries to make us see that we have exactly the same universal common interest in transcending military conflict that we have in getting plague under control , and that it 's necessary to use all our intelligence and imagination to break the millennial connection of intersocial change with war , and then he goes on to make practical proposals .
19 Let us remember that we are in charge of our own destiny .
20 But er er going beyond that , I think it would be wise for us to assume that we will not get paid time off for this even if we do attempt to disguise it as something else .
21 So psychology often binds us to our weaknesses and failure by showing us how to ‘ pass the buck ’ and so makes us believe that we should feel good when we have done so .
22 But , all of us know that we have to make the effort at prayer .
23 Let us hope that we can bring that to an end through GATT .
24 Can I thank you for those generous comments that you say towards er , , I think they 're totally true , he 's worked extremely hard in making sure this council has a budget which balanced , and it 's due to his expertise and bullying tactics that we 've succeeded , and he should be fully congratulated for that , and I think it 's the determination of those who were elected in May as well , to make sure that we protected services and jobs , and , and make sure that we actually carried out the mandate which the electors elected us to do that we have such ach achieved what we have achieved today .
25 After all , there are hand knitters who would have us believe that we are cheating merely by producing knitting on a machine .
26 Most of us believe that we are here to do the greatest good for the greatest number of people .
27 And there 's us saying that we were sick of the rain .
28 All the same , most of us feel that we have financial difficulties .
29 But it helps us to recognize that we are not alone in facing doubt .
30 • What experimental evidence leads us to believe that we possess an internal body clock ? • What do we know about the rhythms that the clock controls .
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