Example sentences of "where it [is] not " in BNC.

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1 If the cloud base is low , there is bound to be a risk of coming out under the cloud and being unable to reach an area where it is not raining .
2 By ‘ hardness ’ I mean a quality which is in poetry nearly always a virtue — I can think of no case where it is not .
3 Moreover , they usually lay the blame where it is not warranted .
4 An instrument will not be executed before 20 August where it is not binding until certain conditions are fulfilled and these are not met until after 19 August .
5 Governments — tax evasion through to avoidance especially for transnational corporations ( Vanick 1977 ) ; illegal campaign funds to politicians in return for promises ( Chambliss 1978 ) ; bribing state officials in return for later lucrative employment ; fraudulent information to prevent , influence , or repeal legislation ( Schrag and Divoky 1981 : 94–127 ; Sunday Times Insight Team 1979 : 90–116 ; Ungar 1972 ) ; exporting illegal behaviour to another state where it is not illegal ( Braithwaite 1979b ) ; fraudulent billing of government body ( Klass 1975 ; Vaughan 1980 ) .
6 If you accept the definition of a weed as " a plant growing where it is not wanted " , once it has a use and is being grown for a purpose , it is no longer a weed .
7 A distinction must be drawn between cases where a criterion of reasonableness is contained in the statute and those where it is not .
8 The ‘ accounting profession ’ has over the years widened to the point where it is not only commonplace but is expected that ‘ professional accountants ’ will be employed by industry , government , local government , health authorities etc .
9 We have , I believe the most active Architecture Centre in Europe where it is not only a must but an honour for the world 's leading architects to lecture or exhibit .
10 It takes the useful and practical form of a general introductory chapter , a second chapter presenting the form of tender and form of agreement both with commentary , an extended chapter 3 which presents the conditions of the International Civil Engineering Contract ( 5th edition — 1973 ) with a running commentary not in every case clause by clause but certainly confining the commentary where it is not upon an individual clause to a small group of related clauses , and a final chapter dealing with conditions of particular application .
11 Only in cases where it is not clear whether or not there is an intention permanently to deprive where the accused acts " without meaning the other permanently to lose the thing " need one look at s.6 .
12 The role of generalized person in the infinitive thus allows a deeper understanding of those uses of the infinitive where it is not in syntactic relation with another verb and of the reasons why to is used in certain of these uses but not in others .
13 The third pub was the Harp of Erin , where it is not advisable to interrupt a drinking man without a Jameson 's or a Guinness in your hand .
14 Tailoring the extent of regulation to the particular circumstances aims to give protection where it is necessary without interfering with the efficient operation of the market where it is not , but it does so at the expense of adding to the complexity of the regulations
15 Mr Chree is proposing that the route be safeguarded from any further developments and that access arrangements be made with landowners on sections of the route where it is not possible to assert the ancient highway as a public right of way .
16 First , a couple of examples of where it is not a problem .
17 And it it goes like this that the economy of North Yorkshire generally and of some of its districts in particular has reached the point where it is not possible from internally generated growth to provide er the jobs that the residents .
18 I just keep it spinning until it gets to a point where it 's not making more power and then shift gears .
19 so it , it is a sort of it 's a kind of sort of liveish topic it 's sort of in one of those stages where it 's not actually happening yet because a
20 Cos if it ever gets where it 's not making money I suppose it 'll just shut .
21 you 're looking at the velocity , that 'll be velocity , so where it 's not changing , there , the slope is zero , no acceleration .
22 ‘ It 's getting to the stage where it 's not a habitable area . ’
23 Well it 's , it 's not our , it 's not our er , we 'll be just sticking our nose in where it 's not necessarily wanted .
24 If you 've got no choice but to get out and walk then you are gon na have to do that , and that 's all very well being a day like today , where it 's not pouring down with rain er , you 're not walking in a pitch black area , but if you do suddenly change that and you put it into those sort of , well that sort of scenario you 'll find it 's very , very , frightening .
25 But it is coming , and certainly some of the medium-sized shops , perhaps with a couple of two or three outlets but under the same management , where it 's not quite so easy to see when you 're running out of baked beans , are already beginning to take advantage of some of these retailing computers .
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