Example sentences of "where [pron] had [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Well no but that 's where I had to go .
2 This left me in a situation where I had to decide if I could afford to finance the aircraft on my own .
3 Mrs Stych wrung her hands behind the reporter 's back , and wished passionately she could run home to Mother on the pig farm ; she longed suddenly for the smell of hens and milk , for a place where nobody had to keep up appearances or be other than what they were .
4 It was the kind of music where you had to dance close .
5 You could n't even see where you had to turn off into street , it were worse Saturday
6 Most of us used the computer ; we got to a point where you had to book your time .
7 And er after that , my father went with the rounds with the collieries , where you had to belong to union to go to them , and Colliery did n't accept what was called the old union .
8 It may work for some individuals of genius ; it works for young children ; it would definitely work if you were thrown into a situation where you had to communicate or die .
9 But today was Monday , the first and the worst day , getting used to the maverick wind , going as slow as possible up to the corner where she had to say goodbye to Izzy and face it all alone .
10 No one was going to tell her what she could or could n't do , or where she had to go .
11 There was a scene where she had to go upsta up the top of a windmill were n't there windmill wings oh what those things , I do n't think she was too keen on height
12 At midnight , twenty-four hours after leaving Calais , she finally arrived in Milan where she had to change trains .
13 Heightening emotions to a pitch where something had to give .
14 The crowd around reckoned he was off-side ( guess where we had to sit ) but I do n't think he was .
15 All too soon , we were approaching the Victorian pier at Clevedon … the point where we had to leave the boat.As for the rest of the passengers … they had an afternoon on a Devon beach to look forward to … and the memories of the sail of the century .
16 It was the place where we had to display our knobbly knees and pimply backs , our sometimes not very clean underwear and our sweaty socks .
17 We again found ourselves in a situation where we had to descend because of icing .
18 We landed in Bangkok this is where we had to change planes , there was about an hour and a half wait so we had plenty of time to look around the duty free .
19 The flight was very bumpy indeed , and we really wondered whether we would make it to Chengchow , where we had to make a half-hour stop before continuing our journey .
20 Chairman , this , this is simply a , a matter of report to you at er , this point in time about events which occurred , which received publicity , where we had to step in because a private home pr went into receivership .
21 But often the- when they were in small houses where they had to do everything , erm they tended to find that they were they were expected to sort of skivvy much more .
22 The two groups returned safely to Jalo , where they had to wait some time for news of Jock Lewes and Bill Fraser .
23 Another argument was that the payment of lesbian and gay workers would create further divisions and hierarchies within the communities , and would place the workers in situations where they had to choose between their loyalty to the community and their loyalty to their funding body .
24 Thing tho , but that one where they had to knock people out I reckon the least you looked mm , the more casual you look , you get in .
25 So they had this girl which they showed er , where they had to break all the bone up under here
26 ‘ I could n't see too well with my contact lens cataracts , and the crew would walk me over to the wheelchair where they had to wheel me on to the sound stage .
27 I mean it has n't done it any good all the in Amy 's bedroom where where it had to put the copydex it 's all got brownish and , has n't it ? you can see where the .
28 When she got there , he was moving the tank with Philip to where it had to go .
29 The ceremony began , and soon I heard the priest come to the point in the wedding where he had to ask , ‘ Is there any reason why these two people should not be married ? ’
30 He was eventually put ashore on the island of Emira where he had to live for six days on coconuts before being rescued and brought to Sydney , Australia .
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