Example sentences of "same [noun sg] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Of the Hagley castle , even Horace Walpole [ q.v. ] — who as a fellow-pioneer in the same field was in general highly critical of Miller 's performances — was obliged to concede , in an oft-quoted aphorism , that it had ‘ the true rust of the Barons ’ wars ' .
2 The doctor who attended him , Guillaume de Harselly , was evidently experienced in cases of mental illness , and warned the royal counsellors that other attacks of the same kind were to be expected .
3 The same effect is at work in all these examples : aerodynamic lift deriving from the ball 's rotation acts either vertically , affecting range , or sideways , affecting curve .
4 He is a ‘ sensitive young man ’ — a monster too , but the same monster is in you and me .
5 And the same monster was in Shelley , and Rimbaud , and Victor Hugo .
6 Police have given safety advice to a dozen other paper boys and girls at the same newsagent 's in Heaton , Newcastle .
7 That same mood was on him even now as he stood there looking up at the house .
8 On landings above and below them the same routine was in practice .
9 The increase in the elderly dependency ratio over the same period was from 23.2 to 25.5 ; a rate of increase considerably less than that likely to be experienced by many other developed countries .
10 When a pair of instruments of the same sort is to be used in unison , the passage is marked ‘ a 2 ’ .
11 The Sleeping Saloons of the same era were of the same dimensions and weighed about 40 tons .
12 The server software for a system based on an ICL Series 39 DX 130/10 is £2,800 ; clients on the same kit are from £2,100 .
13 An alternative way of making the same point is by running regressions ( again excluding those five cases where output was 10,000 ) of actual output against the optimal output and the actual sales against optimal sales proportion .
14 The same trawler was in the same position on the horizon .
15 The same author is of the opinion that it is much more likely that lateral shear is set up by differences in frictional drag on the wind between the sand of the dunes and the firm floors of the swales between .
16 The Federal Assembly had accepted a compromise only on March 29 , whereby different versions of the same title were to be used in the Czech Lands and in Slovakia [ see p. 37326 ] .
17 So she watched television and erm Princess Diana erm said something shocking at lunchtime at a luncheon party or lunch party and erm maybe just erm ten days before that Princess Diana 's announcement we were told by the Register Teacher that we will have an assignment of in February and we will compare some newspapers articles and maybe she did n't explain very erm specifically but she just gave us erm the brief information about er register assignment in February and she told us that we should er we should collect some newspapers about the same title was about the same topic and ho we should compare how each newspaper treated , treats the er news or what do you call that ?
18 This comes clearly into focus with a realisation that the differences in recall at different times by the same person are to be understood through this creativity process .
19 The first time I ever saw a skinhead haircut & Crombie on the same person was in 1978 or 9 .
20 The same strategy is at work in elegant variation .
21 Some women and men never marry , or are no longer married , being widowed or divorced ; 80 per cent of women over 75 and 39 per cent of men at the same age are on their own .
22 The same arrangement was to be extended to nuclear artillery shells when these too became available .
23 Paul again when he 's writing to Romans in chapter ten verse twelve and thirteen , he says , there is no distinction between Jew and Greek , for the same Lord is over all .
24 Inside the ancestral home of the de Tracy family , a more serious discussion of the same subject was under way .
25 Nowadays , of course , unless you have a raging open fire to hand , the only way to get the same responsiveness is with a gas hob .
26 Samia Saouma is exhibiting watercolours by Ross Bleckner until 27 June ; paintings by the same artist are on show at the Ghislaine Hussenot until 18 June .
27 The same man was at my flat last night asking questions and for all I know his next visit will be here , to see you , so … ’
28 Another box in the same form is to be filled by the actual or ‘ issuing carrier . ’
29 ‘ The same rug 's under his feet too .
30 The aisles of the same height are in Gothic design .
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