Example sentences of "government 's [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 The all-party talks on Oct. 12 proved inconclusive , and on Oct. 29 the SLFP withdrew its support for such talks , claiming that it had lost confidence in the government 's will to solve the country 's problems and that none of the opposition proposals had been put into effect .
32 In the end of course the government 's majority triumphed and the whole affair died away , but Marconi remained a favourite cry of Unionist hecklers in 1914 .
33 The Government 's health record provoked one of the largest backbench rebellions during the last session of Parliament , with the Government 's majority cut to eight over eye charges .
34 Meanwhile the government 's majority had been reduced in the past year from over 40 to five following defections from various coalition parties .
35 The IMF announced on May 21 that it had agreed to the government 's request to extend for an additional year its current three-year extended arrangement granted in 1989 .
36 The root of the government 's unpopularity lay in its deregulatory economic policy , known as " Rogernomics " after former Finance Minister Roger Douglas .
37 I welcome the Government 's measure to protect hedgerows and their management , but among the worst offenders in grubbing up hedgerows are local highway authorities .
38 Such a tax would , they concluded , both ‘ constrain and complicate the government 's ability to manage the economy ’ and ‘ carry some possible risk to incentives and to the encouragement of inflationary wage demands ’ ( Layfield 1976 , App 8:211 ) .
39 Mr Bates , a local school governor , is a supporter of the controversial Macmillan City Technology College in Middlesbrough and is fighting his campaign on four main issues : law and order , the Conservative Government 's ability to lead the country out of recession , the Prime Minister 's commitment to the health service and his expectation that Langbaurgh voters will reject the plans of other parties to set up a regional assembly .
40 The financing of local government is er again circumscribed , local government 's ability to respond to the needs of the community it serves as it and its electors deem appropriate is being curtailed yet again and of course local government is losing its independence to central government and this centralising tendency which this settlement further represents is one of the most pernicious and corrosive characteristics of the modern Conservative party .
41 A government 's ability to act coherently and consistently with a predetermined economic strategy , is circumscribed by its dual political role : as both judge and advocate .
42 The achievements of the past 10 years will be jeopardised not only by the present bout of inflation , but even more by a general loss of confidence in the Government 's ability to deal with it .
43 At issue is the FBI 's ability to wiretap in future … the FBI is not only asking the industry to dumb down existing software , it wants to prohibit it from developing new technologies that might interfere with the government 's ability to intercept various oral and electronic communications . ’
44 The government 's ability to defend Massawa had been undermined , however , by fresh fighting around Keren and Azeza and on the Asmara-Massawa road , together with the successes scored further south in December 1989 and January 1990 by the Tigre People 's Liberation Front ( TPLF ) and the Oromo Liberation Front .
45 Without it , the Government 's ability to safeguard the country 's vital interests would be undermined . ’
46 What it does rely on is the government 's ability to change its policy instruments more quickly than firms can change prices .
47 In the past month , Mrs Aquino 's popularity has declined , and there was growing disenchantment with her government 's ability to provide adequate transport and power , and to contain corruption .
48 In the past month , Mrs Aquino 's popularity has declined , and there was growing disenchantment with her government 's ability to provide adequate transport and power , and to contain corruption .
49 The survey also found that 74 per cent of the heads of institutions are not confident of the Government 's ability to develop and implement a coherent and successful higher education policy .
50 The figures thus cast doubt on the government 's ability to meet its target of stabilizing emissions at 1990 levels by the year 2000 .
51 Additionally , if the bonds were sold on the market , they could have an appreciable effect on interest rates and the Government 's ability to raise funds in the open market .
52 The ten-year programme represents not so much a strategy for growth ; it is more a guess at the government 's ability to rein in the booming provinces of the southern coast and the Yangtze delta .
53 There was a belief in government 's ability to modify the injustices of the private market and to extend powers to the wider public .
54 The Prime Minister believes his overwhelming need in the last week is to overcome scepticism about the government 's ability to deliver recovery , restore growth , and resume the increase in living standards that 20th-century electorates regard as a right .
55 A serious threat to the government 's ability to prosecute the war were rumours of an imminent military coup d'etat .
56 Poor polls , one showing Labour ahead by six points , were followed by an attack by a former chancellor , Nigel Lawson , who questioned the government 's ability to govern .
57 Most Japanese regard whale meat as overpriced and appear unlikely to throw their weight behind the government 's campaign to support the whaling industry .
58 The Issak had been the main casualties in the government 's campaign to stamp out support for the rebel Somali National Movement ( SNM ) .
59 Its primary role is likely to be to bolster the Australian government 's campaign to have Antarctica declared a world natural reserve .
60 CITIZEN 'S Charter Minister William Waldegrave is today expected to announce a cash boost for the Government 's campaign to increase public awareness of science .
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