Example sentences of "'m say be [that] " in BNC.

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1 What I 'm saying is that he would n't have taken her out into the woods .
2 All I 'm saying is that worry can make you thin . ’
3 There 's a lot of conservatism in the vocal world here , and they sometimes come to performances to compare if it 's louder or softer ; I like big voices and I 'm trying to collect every rich voice I can , does n't matter if it 's in Novosibirsk where we heard Gorchakova , but what I 'm saying is that it has to be a complex , not just a voice and something else , or not just actor and a bit of voice . ’
4 ‘ What I 'm saying is that even in this room you 're not safe .
5 No , all I 'm saying is that I 'd like to support Don and what Don 's just said there and I think that er , we a that is what we are gon na have to do .
6 I 'm not saying that what I 'm saying is that that we must all have at the back of our minds a a sort of considered opinion of what 's
7 All , all I 'm saying is that we need to , before we literally start dotting I 's and crossing T's in any literal sense is to sussed out whether that 's gon na , whether they 're going to be receptive to the subject matter .
8 Now all I 'm saying is that he undertook to give us those in forty eight hours .
9 All I 'm saying is that we 'll overdo it if we have the … ’
10 All … all that I 'm saying is that I would like my job and what I do ideally to be like that .
11 Erm it 's a very hard thing for people in that situation to organize a as a group er so what I 'm saying is that the level of unemployment in itself does n't bind people together , but given that is a long-established kind of traditional working class area , there is that tradition of , of , of community that exists anyway ,
12 But what I 'm saying is that the er m Q Basic must have the facilities to put those menus up by just sort of saying put up menu .
13 ‘ What I 'm saying is that unless you take the opportunity to see the system installed and working you 'll be missing the chance of increasing your knowledge of the product and thereby depriving yourself of valuable information .
14 All I 'm saying is that those motherly qualities are good , and necessary , when you 're dealing with children .
15 No I 'm not ignoring them but what I 'm saying is that problems that people are genuinely concerned about of dust or noise are unlikely to have an impact at a distance of two miles .
16 ‘ All I 'm saying is that I think we need to be apart for a while , come down to earth , if you like .
17 What I 'm saying is that if I do , I have to go on the supposition that I 'm expected .
18 Er , sorry President , worthy President and all the rest of it , what I 'm saying is that we 're totally opposed to it because what you 're going to have here is , you 're gon na have a situation where branches , branches , you gon na have them fighting between branches and the C E C
19 er in other words what I 'm saying is that erm a woman does n't have to accept a fertilized er egg once it 's been fertilized .
20 What I 'm saying is that y I probably do
21 There is a problem of access to affordable housing , all I 'm saying is that you do n't solve it by wholesale allocation of land .
22 All I 'm saying is that we do n't have to go groping about in corners looking for motive , there 's plenty of it lying about .
23 I mean , what I 'm saying is that I 've come across many of dem who try to speak the Jamaican language , er , the Jamaican Patois , but how they speak it is totally different , becau' they 've got the English accent , and um , dey , becau' they 've got the English accent they try to speak the Jamaican local Patois the same way and in doin' so it sounds really terrible you know it sort of sounds you know it 's really funny .
24 But what I 'm saying is that there may only be one proof sense is what we as individuals derive from that proof .
25 And what I 'm saying is that we make less cracker but with the advertising we 're doing doing at the moment , in the magazine and Yellow Pages and I just want to kind I 'm going to talk to you about what other ways of advertising .
26 . So really what I 'm saying is that it h would have an undue impact on highway network and in particular on that particular erm strand of it .
27 But it what I 'm saying is that they 're all shades of colour anyway .
28 So , I mean what I 'm saying is that I think we should have a league table if you like of , of attendances , I , I recognise that that may not be popular , but I think it 's going to be one way of sorting out those people who attend every opportunity , and sometimes just to pat an officer on the back .
29 If we 're gon na do a deal then we , we , we have some to drive it through but what I 'm saying is that I think that if you have this meeting I , which is what February the second ?
30 No what I 'm say what I 'm saying is that that leaving it for a few months probably is n't going to do you any harm .
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