Example sentences of "'m not really [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not really good at that .
2 And it 's not far , I know , or for long , and the chances of all the hotels in northern France being booked solid are pretty slim , so I 'm not really worrying .
3 I 'm not really sorry .
4 ‘ I 'm not really pitiless .
5 It was n't any deeper than that — I 'm not really sure what it was — but David was very creative .
6 I 'm not really sure why ; it does n't have any great religious significance .
7 I 'm not really sure whether it happened .
8 ‘ I 'm not really sure where that came from .
9 A disembodied voice , that later I was to learn belonged to Cynthia , gently but firmly began to explain : ‘ I 'm not really sure that you should bring your work here .
10 ‘ I 'm not really sure .
11 I 'm not really sure .
12 ‘ I 'm not really sure . ’
13 ‘ I 'm not really sure why we have these ups and downs during the season .
14 Well if doing an explosion I 'm not really sure the nuclear reactor materials
15 and I 'm not really sure about
16 And er to avoid a collision and in fact I think they did strike but I 'm not really sure , but to avoid a collision this one then goes over the other side of the road , picks up this Ford Orion coming the over way , rolls it over the bank , and it goes underneath the tractive unit of the artic .
17 ‘ Well , sir , it was all so quick that I 'm not really sure .
18 I 'm not really sure what , what I 'm looking for .
19 Well I mean , everybody goes to Robert does their off shore survival which takes you into helicopter survival and l launching lifeboats off the platform and life rafts ev and er that done I mean you get your certificates and what not for that and everybody is to get refresher courses every two or three years , I 'm not really sure which .
20 Well yeah the wind fell but I 'm not really sure whether they went the next day or the day after that I ca n't remember .
21 Yes , so we need to sort of keep on top of that one and I 'm not really sure until we do get our
22 Er I think she does a bit of part time I 'm not really sure what she does she comes and goes , she probably works in an old folks ' home or something , she has a uniform .
23 ‘ I 'm not really sure why I 'm here , ’ mumbled Jimmy .
24 ‘ I 'm not really sure yet .
25 I 'm not really sure what they 're gon na put in its place .
26 I 'm not really sure how I became friends with the boy , but he also has quite a good personality , + I can have a good laugh with him .
27 Erm , I 'm not really sure , we did n't go into it very deeply
28 I 'm not really sure about side heads yet .
29 I bet I been and forgot what I come in here for now I 'm not really sure .
30 Actually I like Polo I do n't like other so erm I 'm not really sure what does it like Polo mint .
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