Example sentences of "erm but er [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Erm but er we 've had one or two people come to us , and report that they 've been mugged , there again we get straight on the phone to the police .
2 I would have thought that was a more likely erm But er we 're obviously we 're speculating and it 's perhaps
3 Erm but er what I 've just put here is forty per cent margin until price is sorted .
4 Erm but er I hope you 're not going to way that er Westminster Council has gone , for each er er er , er er th their property into disrepair they bought it up , do it up and flog it on the open market when a few yards away there are people no a er now sleeping under bridges and canals !
5 Erm but er I learnt to write a fair hand , erm without too many flourishes , which er because I was always told that somebody might be looking at this in a hundred years time , or more .
6 erm but er I do n't live my life erm er just with a profit motive in everything I do .
7 Erm but er I can appreciate obviously for you , particularly final year students , to have s y'know a single text which not all of you are not that keen on , but er some of you do see it as an advantage as well .
8 Well erm but er I , I do n't actually , probably the best thing is just to er call at the office .
9 Erm but er I have the problem with trying to balance up which way to go .
10 I know when , when invented scales back in the early thirties er typically they were declarative statements which people had to agree or disagree with erm but er I think perhaps more recently people have gone more for things that are a bit like how would you feel , what do you think type statements erm so er
11 Erm but er I think when you say about being confrontational there 's if you 've got a client in front of you the last thing that you want to do is have erm a confrontation with them
12 Erm but er I 'd just like to add that that , that was n't relating to Bill because he certainly did n't do that .
13 Erm but er I had this very little lady who
14 Erm but er I suppose more recently um this business of understanding sex in relation to power , in relation to the powers of the participants , has has has effectively er knocked Kinsey 's notions off the agenda in the last sort of y'know fifteen years , ten years , five years , so that people are much more erm inclined to say well physical size , disparities , erm disparities in the credibility if you like of the of the perpetrator and survivor erm and all those kinds of things make er make a big difference so it 's not it 's not gon na be mutualistic .
15 I mean I use things like Money Management , and they 're quite useful , erm but er you do n't need to erm er spend a lot of time looking round .
16 Erm but er you 'll notice from my wording er revised wording of the policy , I seek to define the terms of that self containment by using the words , and so the District Council will seek to secure land for .
17 Erm , but certainly erm but er he 's certainly got an interesting face .
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