Example sentences of "last [noun] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 During the last minutes she had been talking with extreme rapidity in a light high voice .
2 In 1816 Mrs Hawkes , a pious lady who had herself been a convert of Richard Cecil 's , was called to the death-bed of a Mr Vaughan , whose last hours she described in a letter to a friend :
3 Before the last cottage she paused as a woman appeared in the doorway .
4 erm in the last case you mean ?
5 In the last instance we have social regression .
6 In this last instance we have social regression .
7 Before she could puzzle over his rather cryptic last sentence he continued , ‘ I do n't know whether you noticed , but the doge was wearing it in the second of his portraits . ’
8 Now er in the last sentence you 've got five marks to give for spelling and punctuation .
9 As he said : ‘ If I 'm deciding on whom I want to live with for fifty years — well , that 's the last decision I want my head to be ruled by my heart . ’
10 Of the last decision he says : ‘ Most of the winter I never see daylight .
11 On our last afternoon we went back to Tromsø to see a man about a dog .
12 ‘ One of the last times I saw my mother , I was borrowing money off her .
13 When Nicola had despatched the last brick she began to yell loudly .
14 The last chit I hired not only got herself — well , you know , with the coachman , but made off with some of my best lace when I turned her away .
15 In the last hour they 've added , ’ there was a delay in putting information on the computer records .
16 For the last hour they had done justice to Molly 's superb cooking .
17 He had n't expected this precipitate visit and in the last hour he had bawled out everyone in sight .
18 On the fourth day Jennifer put together every last farthing they possessed and went across to Fowey to visit the apothecary , returning with a malodorous syrup which her mother vomited up within seconds of swallowing .
19 Last March he suffered a second agonising defeat in the Gold Cup when Cool Ground proved just too good , and he then lost his French crown when the ground at Auteuil for this July 's Grand Steeplechase came up unsuitably soft and he could only struggle round in eighth place .
20 The last bit we did was only the small numbers .
21 At the last election he heard someone ask ‘ Who 's Killip ? ’ and the reply was ‘ The man who gives you relief at Cumberland Road ’ .
22 There was no emotion in his voice ; but I was thinking of Alison , of that last look she had given me .
23 One of the last cruises I enjoyed on Viking took us south as far as Oban .
24 The last play I worked out that w we had one four hundred and thirty seven of those thirty seven would be er freebies to the homes in , in to bring it down to about four hundred and on the ticket money we took in , I would say about a hundred and twenty of those were erm er concessions .
25 In Miserywhip 's Last Stand she does not .
26 As a last resort they tried introducing Ned to other stones in an attempt to distract his interest — blondes , brunettes and the occasional hard-to-find red-head but all to no avail .
27 And in in the circumstances I 'm talking about where I would work on the side , then it 's always gon na be erm turning to the quickest resort , rather than the last resort you know .
28 As a last resort he decided to take a leaf out of the Oriental 's book , by using psychological warfare against him .
29 Though there is broad agreement on the contents of such books on constitutional law , in the last resort it depends on what academic lawyers consider relevant — and a quick survey of standard textbooks will show that at the margins there are significant variations in what is brought into the orbit of the British ‘ constitution ’ .
30 of ahi sā that ‘ In the last resort it does not avail to those who do not possess a living faith in the God of Love . ’
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