Example sentences of "last [noun] [be] that " in BNC.

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1 The only snag with this last course was that when the pension was paid out in 2003 it would still be at its 1970 value .
2 The last alternative is that buildings were specifically constructed for them .
3 What emerges from an attempt to answer the last question is that the known low-cost reserves will have been significantly run down by 2025 , but total reserves are large , sufficient to last for more than 400 years at present rates of consumption , according to one estimate .
4 Er I think that , that my recollection of the last meeting was that if we could just knock together a Northumberland newsletter a unison newsletter that 's quite clearly coming from the three organizations that represent the membership in Northumberland it would be better than th this national stuff has one union on it , as I see it at the moment .
5 An implication of the last point is that even when the initial exposure to the stimulus has been prolonged or has involved repeated presentations , it should be possible to detect some loss of the latent inhibition effect over time , provided the interval before the start of conditioning is long enough .
6 The answer to my hon. Friend 's last point is that when the Secretary of State made his announcement about the additional real 1,000 police coming on stream this year , he said that 80 per cent .
7 A corollary of this last point is that the technique is likely to succeed when the signal is switched on at some moment to which the time origin may be ascribed , the inference being that the signal is zero up to time .
8 MacDonald 's assumption throughout the Government and almost up to the last moment was that Baldwin and he would retire together , and that Neville Chamberlain , with the freshness , if not of youth , at least of never having been Prime Minister before , would succeed directly .
9 ‘ The reason I rang last night is that I had a message from your publishers , ’ he went on .
10 The firm message from Whitehall last night was that Mrs Thatcher was not going to the Commonwealth heads of government meeting in Kuala Lumpur next week to propose a reduction in sanctions , although she would not agree to an increase in the measures already in place .
11 The speculation at Westminster last night was that Mr Kinnock was preparing the ground for a dignified exit by leaving his colleagues six months in which to mount their campaigns for a contest in the autumn .
12 By the way , the last thing Carolyn said to me last night was that her party was open-house and we could go any time . ’
13 You see , one of the reasons I mentioned his name last night was that he was n't in the room when I came back — the boardroom , you know , where the party was being held .
14 But the big bonus for Morrissey fans disappointed by his no-shows at June 's Glastonbury festival and the second day of the Madness/Finsbury Park weekend last month is that , on proof of purchase of tickets for either of the cancelled gigs , they can get a £20 discount per ticket for the French trip .
15 ‘ What I said last month was that the US Open was my final Grand Slam tournament .
16 Another canard launched by the press last month was that the Queen was putting the Royal Collection of works of art in a trust to avoid tax .
17 Well I think the the er other point I was making last week was that erm this whole are of learning theory is erm y'know a very traditional area .
18 He said : ‘ Part of the problems that we had last week was that the Cabinet was out of touch with backbench feelings … and not only our feelings but those in the constituencies .
19 ‘ The problem last season was that we were too successful .
20 The problem last season was that they did not score enough goals .
21 One of the key determinants of US policy towards Iraq last August was that it believed it has the military forces sufficient to evict Iraq from Kuwait .
22 Her last wish was that she should be used for transplants .
23 Ken 's last wish was that his coffin should be carried by six Athletico players but I could not find a single one of the bastards who would do it for less than fifty quid .
24 A very last thought is that we must do everything possible to answer our own prayers .
25 As his fading vision blanked out all but the shadowy wraiths which welcomed him , Carrefour 's last thought was that his family would be whole again .
26 His last thoughts were that he would make amends for this day ; he could baptise the maiden , they could be saved together , they could marry , he would love her , his heathen maiden , no , his heathen hoyden , he liked the rhyming of that , heathen hoyden , he would cherish her beneath the fruit-laden tree .
27 One of the criticisms of the list last year was that it was weighted too heavily towards a younger generation , a generation that overall had not really accomplished very much .
28 Well you see what we 're do , what we did last year was that there
29 What he said at the Tory Party Conference last year was that he was going to set the agenda ; the environmental agenda for the nineties .
30 Lord Wheatley 's fourth and last guideline was that the parties had agreed to accept the referee 's decision .
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