Example sentences of "year [adj] be [art] " in BNC.

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1 The year 1599 was a bewildering one for Bibles .
2 The year 1989/90 was a busy and satisfying one for the Scottish Council 's Committees .
3 Erm I , I just get this feeling , you know one would expect that year eleven is a reasonable way of working out what the , the sort of workload is , and you would think that special needs would actually be something that really related quite nicely
4 The year 1948 was a US presidential election year , so further attempts to reopen the issue were deferred until a new Administration had taken office .
5 THE number of people killed on roads in Scotland last year 460 was the lowest since records began in 1938 , the Scottish Office said today .
6 Now in October of this year this is the biggest piece of legislative change in child care law for a generation and it 'll shift the whole emphasis of child care services , not just children in care , but support to families in all sorts of situations , from an old out of date system to one very much where the emphasis is on the County Council erm supporting families and their children .
7 It is normally kept on static display at the National Railway Museum in York , but is on hire to the West Somerset this year This was the last steam locomotive built for British Railways before the completion of the changeover to diesel and electric traction .
8 In my view this restaurant 's three year old is a model of good behaviour : his tantrums are rare and only once did he complain about a lack of attention by peeing on the floor right between my feet and his mother 's .
9 Her two year old is the youngest of nine children , and as well as struggling to bring up her own family she 's set up a health project in her community .
10 I feel like in Britain the kind of history that I came into as an eighteen year old was a women 's liberation movement whose context was anti-Vietnam , the counter culture , Vietnam solidarity , American radical feminism , irony of all ironies the Ford women 's strike , and here I was living with this Ford worker , domestic tyrant .
11 The 70 year old was a popular man in the area and police have been flooded with people offering information , but they 're no nearer to catching his killer .
12 The fifteen year old was a passenger in the Escort XR3 which crashed on Shaftesbury Avenue in Swindon .
13 Yeah , she come back as a bloody well , thirteen year old was a five year old and she come back
14 The expression of the eighteen year old was the expression of a stranger .
15 The year 1982/83 was the first in which public expenditure was planned , monitored and controlled in cash .
16 The year 1991 was an important one in the Scottish Council 's history .
17 The year 1991 was an important one in the Scottish Council 's history .
18 The placement in Year III is an opportunity to practise new skills and learn how people in employment use and develop computer systems .
19 The year 1759 was the annus mirabilis , the year of marvels , in which British arms were triumphant throughout the world , but each fresh victory made the French more eager to strike at their enemy 's heart and homeland .
20 The year 1987/88 was a remarkably good one for the Company , a fact that is reflected in an extract from the Chairman 's statement in the Annual Report .
21 The year 1833 was a milestone for Swanage when Princess Victoria , with her mother the Duchess of Kent , spent the night of 7th August at the Manor House Hotel while on their West country tour .
22 This year 1908 is the last year for which there are any Minutes until 1920 , and is the year the course was fully opened .
23 The year 1913 was a bumper year , for the ladies in particular .
24 The year 1992 was the tenth warmest year on record , according to the meteorological office of the University of East Anglia 's Climatic Research Unit , confirming the overall trend of global warming .
25 In European warfare invading armies normally choose harvest to launch their attacks , and the year 1914 was no exception .
26 The year 1887 was a good one for Hardy : he and Emma paid a long-awaited visit to Italy which left him ‘ much illuminated ’ , and returned to find that The Woodlanders , with its intensely magical evocation of ‘ one of those sequestered spots outside the gates of the world ’ , had become a popular success .
27 The marshalling of technical capital and human resources which will make the USSR the world 's leading nuclear nation by the year 2000 is a case in point ( see Nuclear Power — A Tale of Two Systems ) .
28 The WHO programme of health for all by the year 2000 is a challenge to governments throughout the world to improve the health status of their populations .
29 FOODSERVICE Systems Beyond the Year 2000 is the futuristic title of a conference of the International Congress of Dietetics to be held next year from 29 to 31 March in Jerusalem .
30 The year 1970 was the great Bruce McLaren 's last in racing and he died on 2 June testing a Can-Am car .
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