Example sentences of "there and [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 Yes my it started there and went up to there .
2 The monkeys jumped south to avoid Fitz , but Macho was there and rushed up a tree to block the route , while Ulysse , anticipating Macho 's move , rushed into a tree east of both Fitz and Macho .
3 Near there and go up to the Hurn Airport Road
4 He would watch the notices in the papers , and when someone died and the widow was left alone , he would go there and think up some sort of lie — he lied always , as a boy , even when there was no need , and he looked so clean and innocent that if you did not know him you would believe him , every time .
5 She was surprised by his hatred sometimes , but then he 'd been born there and grown up , while she was second-generation American .
6 As I say , we are like Cadmus and the field of Thebes , we 'll plant dragon 's teeth there and raise up Christian gentlemen . ’
7 When you get angry you pump all sorts of different chemicals around your body and they do n't do your body any good that 's for sure , you know you get the adrenalin that starts making everything well making the blood move faster heart beat faster you get other chemicals ready and if those chemicals are n't used properly or if something does n't happen and it uses those particular chemicals and they 're left inside the body then that causes eventually physical illness in some sort of physical wearing of some sort or another , so gradually just the opposite of this where you 're you 're not internalising your throwing it out , but there 's a hell of a lot in there that 's been stored up there and bottled up there before it throws out , and when you do tend to be aggressive it 's not because you 're being aggressive on purpose it 's because it 's just something that just happens and wells up when you get to a particular point and whoosh out it comes .
8 We , all of us had er a bed-sitting room of our own which we kept on between cases cos we had to have somewhere to live and erm and then of course we , we 'd come back there and make up for lost time really .
9 If I continually throw rubbish out of my back door , sooner or later I will suffer for that and will have to get out there and clean up the mess , as a matter of survival .
10 I promised myself there and then that I was going to master that hill if it killed me , and every day afterwards I went there and drove up it , holding the car on the clutch , until I was successful .
11 Cos you just sit there and , do you think you can lend me some money , please , I promise I 'll pay you back , and they 'll all give you about ten P , some of them give you fifty , some of them give you twenty got about , I was thinking you could just go in there and save up for all your Christmas shopping could n't you ?
12 Melanie wondered if she would have to take a tray to the basement but it seemed they had their own gas ring down there and brewed up continually for themselves .
13 ‘ Better get out there and warm up , son ’ , my mates said , sniggering .
14 I 'd just sit there and freeze up .
15 Lyte was enormously popular during his 25 years of ministry there and built up a Sunday School of over 700 children .
16 My only training and instruction for the job was given by a detective chief inspector , who told us to ‘ get out there and lock up thieves ’ .
17 He has that ingrained self-confidence most commonly attributed to the grandest old Etonians , although he failed to win a scholarship there and ended up at Charterhouse .
18 They fell foul , on the other hand , of Simon de Mont fort , who was sent to the south-west of France by King Henry III in 1248 to curb the unruliness there and ended up assaulting the Viscount of Soule in his castle in Mauléon .
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