Example sentences of "there [verb] been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , the Community has always had variable depth in its integration — in some areas it has been deeply integrated and in others there has been shallower integration .
2 Although the cultural traditions and education and social systems in OECD member countries vary there has been wide agreement about the importance of transition and the nature of the process .
3 As you will be aware there has been extensive discussions with NALGO in connection with the arrangements for the necessary Council Tax introduction .
4 She said she did not want any fuss , that she was fine , and everyone over there has been marvellous . ’
5 In previous elections there has been little change in the parties ' support between the final Sunday of the campaign and polling day .
6 The contextual statements in the introduction are taken from the guide of twelve years ago , with no apparent recognition that in traffic planning terms there has been little short of a revolution in the intervening period .
7 At the time of writing there has been little feedback from the trial period earlier this year during which forms CT 200 were completed and submitted alongside the usual accounts and computations .
8 In yet other cases there has been little attempt to intervene .
9 Ever since this system was introduced there has been much criticism of the validity of basing the TDR on the profitability of the private sector , especially when used for non-commercial public sector evaluations .
10 To a greater extent than with other mathematically-based research tools there has been much difference of opinion as to its relevance and utility .
11 Since the mid-1970s there has been growing recognition that residential care can only be effective when it is part of a package aimed at helping the family as a whole , and where parents are involved in all aspects of the care process .
12 One suspects that somewhere along the line of the story 's forming there has been some attempt to draw a veil over the proceedings , and to protect the reputation particularly of the great Moses .
13 In the West Midlands there has been some attempt to classify the type of assistance given to each client into advice or support where support means that some action was taken by the advice worker .
14 But in a majority of cases there has been some success , and in many instances the outcome has been very successful .
15 Because of such concerns there has been considerable opposition to the testing of genetically engineered organisms in the field , as is exemplified by the furore surrounding the release of the so-called ‘ ice minus ’ bacterium .
16 There is evidence of a growing interest in payment systems in a variety of quarters , e.g. amongst economists there is renewed interest in the link between productivity and the way labour is paid ; management theorists are paying more attention to new forms of payment within their overall interest in making in making firms more responsive ; and amongst managers and government officials there has been considerable interest expressed in performance-related pay , merit-pay and profit-sharing .
17 Alongside the clinical concerns there has been significant progress in our understanding of the molecular genetics .
18 I remember in eighty four erm there 'd been a general election in eighty three erm there 'd been one third elections in Harlow in , in , in erm i i i in eighty three , there was er a gen the general election and another system of election by thirds in eighty four and then the European election being told by one el elderly lady that there were too many bleeding elections and therefore she was n't gon na vote .
19 Since no reasons have been given by the decision-maker and no unfavourable inference can be drawn [ from ] this fact because there is obvious justification for his failure to do so , the presumption that he acted intra vires can only be displaced by evidence of facts which can not be reconciled with there having been reasonable cause for his belief that the documents might be required as evidence …
20 I think there 've been one or two not er brush ups you know in the pubs once er or twice , they er they wo n't drink with them and that and er some of the lads some of the lads that have gone back have really realized the situation they 've put themselves in you know , and they sorry and now they 're on they do n't know which way to turn .
21 There 've been some big by Shrewsbury over the years , I 'll tell ya there 've been some big clubs here in the past years and it looks very much on the cards again tonight , they have got a massive job on their hands now Blackburn to come back into this .
22 The police say there 've been seven suspicious barn fires around in the Oxfordshire in less than a week .
23 erm In that sense , whereas of course in the case of primary schools there 've been fewer resources but of course far fewer students .
24 It means there 've been more cries for help .
25 Middlesbrough Council 's economic development and planning committee also heard there had been 72 separate letters against the scheme .
26 Chris explained with rapidly diminishing patience that some of the Argentinian officers had received their training at Sandhurst ; his brother had served in the Scots Guards on Mount Tumbledown and had said that the Argentinians they had confronted there had been good , professional soldiers .
27 Only last Friday there had been great excitement over Janice 's eighth birthday party .
28 That may be so , but when I first knew them there had been radical changes .
29 He said that from 1991–1992 there were only five times when intensive care patients had to be transferred to other hospitals in the region , but in April and May this year alone there had been five cases .
30 Earlier on there had been one or two screams , but no more .
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