Example sentences of "over there [coord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Well we had a r a sch classroom in the infants school there for our headquarters and er storing cos we used to make use , we had a palliasse on the floor for when we was on night duty erm but I can never understand why we had our he headquarters over there but we had to do guard duties over in the elementary school on th school on the other side because that was the only one that had got a telephone and we had to man the telephones from the Brigade Headquarters or the to be able to phone to should they want us to be called out and so we had to do the guard duty over there but we slept in the , when we was off duty we was in er Alma Green School and that was there and then the we moved from there eventually and th th the longest part of our life of the Home Guard , the headquarters was at the cottage , I 've been trying to think what the name of the cottage is , it ha it , it has a name it 's the cottage next door to the Sir Robert Peel public house in Bell Lane .
2 Well we had a r a sch classroom in the infants school there for our headquarters and er storing cos we used to make use , we had a palliasse on the floor for when we was on night duty erm but I can never understand why we had our he headquarters over there but we had to do guard duties over in the elementary school on th school on the other side because that was the only one that had got a telephone and we had to man the telephones from the Brigade Headquarters or the to be able to phone to should they want us to be called out and so we had to do the guard duty over there but we slept in the , when we was off duty we was in er Alma Green School and that was there and then the we moved from there eventually and th th the longest part of our life of the Home Guard , the headquarters was at the cottage , I 've been trying to think what the name of the cottage is , it ha it , it has a name it 's the cottage next door to the Sir Robert Peel public house in Bell Lane .
3 It burnt my feelings an' I went over there an' I just hit her .
4 His uncle was fend of French fries and he tells the empty corridor for the hundredth time that they are called chips over there and they are eaten with vinegar .
5 A friend of Butcher 's , who has strong football links with Japan , said last night : ‘ He is very popular over there and they are keen to strengthen the coaching side of their game .
6 And I 'd got them here and I thought well I do n't know what to do with them and I b b interested in I 'm interested in going back in time , I 'll go anywhere where I can see something and I 'd been over there and they 'd got some Home Guard stuff in a case , only a small show , and I asked them if they 'd like it and they said yes .
7 They also provide us with , and my designers love this I mean they g go over there and they come back and they plaster these things all over , all over their design rooms and it looks like a Paris design house .
8 I , I think it was only a drop in the ocean really towards the national effort , but , but I remember erm at Darlaston , they used to build tanks over there and they , they used to pay us visits in sometimes they 'd send some of their men over in the tanks to give us a pep talk about the war effort and all that but er , they used to do things like that then to gee you up erm
9 they were , they were ha , I thought they , they , they were over there and they were looking for , there was n't like taking
10 So that 's that , but he 's not going to interfere with us talking , let's carry on , at about ten o'clock Graham is coming who is , I 'm , as you know I 'm doing erm , er a teaching course , I 'm not a teacher you see , I 'm a , I 'm a nurse , he 's coming to assess me on er , this is a teaching practice for me , alright , so he will come in and I think he 'll sit over there and we 'll just get on .
11 Now when you say right across , I mean you you 've ta seen the photos of , of er shell pitted ground with the nineteen fourteen eighteen war , well that 's how Bentley was then cos it had been rooted for coal and nineteen twenty six strike everybody got it all out cos there was a lot of top surface coal , course it was just left there was a lot of mole holes , stuff from the furnaces when they tip tipped the slag , it was up and down and there was Buttons Brook , was n't it Buttons Brook across there , called Buttons Brook there was a pool across there called Leg of Lamb but I mean it , it er you can imagine what I 'm trying to say , what the ground was like to go over in pitch black night , to go over there and we went out and course we was issued with er ammunition which was one of the o only times I can remember when we went really out prepared with live ammunition , and er we scouted and scouted till daybreak and we did n't find nothing .
12 Well we was in that area trying this gun out in one of the mole holes that was over there and we 'd fired one , that was alright .
13 And so there are six people all together there 's your mum and your dad okay and then there 's two friends over there and we 're sitting here .
14 If we were sitting together here and Joanne and N Natalie were sitting over there and we 've got these two pennies ?
15 ‘ Then you could move over there and we 'd all be happy . ’
16 The tracks in America okay we go over there and we say they 're tight they 're quite difficult to ride .
17 Well the trouble is we go over there and we buy a good buy
18 ‘ There is a bloody madman over there and he requests the pleasure of your company , Piper .
19 ‘ Yeah , it was hot over there and he did n't have nothing to eat except rats .
20 But he knows all kinds of People over there and he 's getting me what I need .
21 And he flew over there and he landed on a metal chair .
22 And she sits over there and she counts the cars in the street .
23 saying to Leanne go over there and she goes and Leanne goes why ?
24 I had a week to learn the set and then we went off to Finland ; we did some gigs with Lita Ford at the Midsummer Festival over there and it just went on from there .
25 I tell you what , would you like to just go an sit behind on that chair over there and you 'll be more comfortable .
26 They 'll probably get somebody to contact you over there and you just hand over the material and come quietly home without blowing any bridges behind you .
27 Now get up , sit over there and you can have a cup of tea before you go home . ’
28 me and Gareth wan na go over there and you know I 'll
29 over there and you er believe everything they 've said .
30 Erm that means we have a stall on Tuesday the twenty fourth , Wednesday we 've got our meeting here with the speaker about , were having Mike speaking on Czechoslovakian now and he 'll be telling us his experiences over there and his had a long association with Czechoslovakia and Harlow and Thursday were having a market stall with a jazz band and Norman could probably tell us more about that .
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