Example sentences of "over [det] [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It could mean bringing somewhere between about ten and fifteen million pounds into Shropshire over that six years from Europe , into , into Shropshire , not in the whole of March 's area , but into Shropshire , during that period , to help projects in the rural west of the county .
2 In fact sir , the County Council 's figures produced in another appendix , ca n't lay my hands on it at the moment , had put this figure in as three thousand six hundred and fifty , but the nub of those two things are , that over that six month period , we 're not only seeing more houses built but we have more consented , and that has n't affected the residue that appears in the rest of these schedules .
3 During the next three years , nearly 10,000 million dollars were made available to Europe in ‘ Marshall Aid ’ , which not only enabled Europe to recover and increase goods and services by twenty-five per cent over that three years , but also ensured a market for American-made goods .
4 You do not need a degree in statistics to see what has happened to the firm 's trading profit over this six year period .
5 Despite a rise in tax revenue as a proportion of GDP of 4.0% over this thirteen year period , the UK tax burden in 1989 continued to lie well below that in the Scandinavian countries , where over half of GDP was taken in tax and social security contributions in that year , and below other major competitors such as France and Germany .
6 Isa Blagden found her weeping over this one afternoon and took the time to console her , pointing out that soon , in her new position , Oreste would join her and at two years of age would quickly become hers again .
7 The first part of our study , which was reported in the October 1992 issue of ACCOUNTANCY ( see p 13 ) , demonstrated that over this five year period the combined effects of mergers among the large audit firms and voluntary auditor switches among listed companies had led to a significant increase in seller concentration .
8 Over this 3 year period 7 students achieved good degrees and 20 achieved lower seconds .
9 Most of the Cotswold silk trade was carried out at Blockley , over some 200 years .
10 This study , which derives from previous field research on migrants in Europe , compares British and French experience over some 200 years .
11 Examples of all types are plentiful in different regions : the long cairn of Balnagowan in Aberdeenshire , fragmented into heaps of stones lined up over some 230 feet ; the well-preserved Clyde cairn of Brackley in Kintyre , excavated in 1952 to reveal both inhumation and cremation procedures , with food vessels and jet necklace beads ; and the protracted cemetery of Nether Largie tombs below Kilmartin village in Argyll .
12 As a result of subsidence , the ground was one mass of hillocks and hollows , extending in all over some 70 acres .
13 This is her most ambitious work , surveying the history of European textiles over some 1,000 years , from late Antiquity to the fifteenth century .
14 This is an impressive donation which has spread over some 50 years and continues today through the support of the Dulverton Trust .
15 Despite the growth of research into everyday memory and memory in applied settings ( e.g. Gruneberg , Morris & Sykes , 1978 , 1988a , 1988b ) and the research and theorising which has been done over some 50 years on the psychology of driver behaviour , there has been virtually no research which directly looks at memory in driving .
16 But it is as a superb teacher , over some forty years , that Fenton owes his prominence .
17 Farmers over another 22,400 hectares , would merely be given advice and asked to use less fertiliser ; there would be no money for them , and no other sanctions ( The Swells , Gloucestershire ; Bircham and Fring , Norfolk ; Sedgeford , Norfolk ; Fowlmere , Cambs ; Far Baulker , Notts ; Dotton and Colaton , Devon ; Cringle Brook , Lincs and Leics ; and Bourne Brook , Warwicks ) .
18 Odd gloves we never used to charge for had to get rid of them and er so apart from those two offices er there was immediately above us was a biggish office spreading over these two blocks of offices , called the ticket office and there at that time about eleven girls working in it on tickets .
19 Okay , so what we 're looking at over these two days and what in order for you to be able to say yes we 've achieved the objectives er by tomorrow is how to use that time that we have to prepare to the most er efficient and effective so that e the preparation you know when you 've prepared it that yes when I stand up to speak I 'm gon na be able to put these points over effectively and make the presentation memorable .
20 So when I said to Bob this morning was it Bob , I said do n't I do n't have a magic wand that 's gon na get rid of them but what I hope I 'm gon na give you over these two days is a system whereby you can use that and can support you so you 're able to effectively present despite having the nerves and be able to put over your point of view effectively , yeah ?
21 The four quarterly effects ( which we are assuming to be invariant during the time span of the data ) can now be estimated from the averages of corresponding quarters over these seven years .
22 In fact , she found in her review that there seemed to be a great of continuity , that again and again over these forty years researchers were reporting similar sorts of social and psychological impacts of unemployment .
23 Over these ten points there is a correlation of 0.88 between the two measures , p<0.01 , 8 degrees of freedom .
24 The springs sagged in the middle and before night was over all four bodies were entangled in a heap in the middle .
25 But not all of these have been discovered at the 1:50000 scale , and there has not been a systematic ley hunt over all 204 sheets .
26 Actually it was lucky that we went right over all three lanes of the motorway , there was a lot of people behind us , but luckily they saw the tyres , and they backed off , but we could have finished up in a real
27 The there will be three distances involved Brough Park 290m , 460m , 670m ; Cleveland Park 266m , 464m , 640m ; Sunderland 255m , 450m , 631m and the aggregate points winners over all three legs .
28 The " black " group were correct 61.6 per cent of the time ( over all 12 voices ) and the " white " group 52.5 per cent of the time .
29 We must have covered just about everything over those four days , from carrying boxes and travelling with birds to ferreting to keep them fed .
30 Figure 4.1 summarises the total number of serious offences per 100,000 of the population for the period 1957 to 1977 , and shows a 290 per cent increase over those two decades .
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