Example sentences of "back with [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The revolver bucked and flared and the figure before him leaped and fell back with outflung arms .
2 The youngsters got a lift back with chemical workers on a day trip .
3 One of my preferred methods of listening to CDs is to put them on and then lie back with closed eyes to concentrate on the music .
4 The sight of his long , lean body , the cotton shirt stretched tightly over the blades of his broad shoulders , tapering down to a slim waist , brought back with sharp intensity a familiar ache in her body .
5 It will guide you back with amazing accuracy .
6 I look back with great thankfulness to God and deep affection to Holy Cross students for what was a most happy and satisfying central period of my life .
7 His last customer took the smile with him as he unwillingly left the warm room and limped back with chattering teeth to the unwelcoming flat at the top of the stone stairs .
8 Looking back with seventy years ' hindsight , Dad might have been wiser to have accepted this offer , but things were different before the First World War and couples might quarrel and argue all their married life as Mum and Dad did but rarely separated and never divorced .
9 The tallest of the grey people , a man , came back with frozen roots .
10 She must swallow her hurt and pay him back with loving kindness .
11 Psychologists Aruna Mahtani and Afreen Huq look back with mixed feelings on their special project for Bangladeshi women in Britain .
12 ‘ It has n't been cancelled yet , ’ the Prince said petulantly , then turned back with specific instructions for Sharpe .
13 Galliano showed two hours late , which could have ruined him , but fortunately did n't because the press loved him and his audience welcomed him back with loud approval after an absence of two seasons ( due to the lack of financial backing ) .
14 NEWS Ryburn bounces back with mild brew
15 As Melissa entered , the guide stepped back with outspread hands that seemed to invite her small audience to scatter and enjoy the building at their leisure .
16 He predicted the Conservatives would hit back with personal attacks on Labour leaders , by ordering civil servants to waste time trying to ‘ cost ’ the party 's programmes and then , next week at Blackpool , with ‘ the Team ’ .
17 Did I , but you you you brought it up last meeting , that that that erm people were going as supposed to be coming back with good ideas as to how to cope with interviews in other rooms , but we said in last time that we were going to have a personal round bill .
18 Spaniard Martin Vasquez , back with Real Madrid after an unhappy few months at the Velodrome , has left in the last year or so along with Chris Waddle , Trevor Steven , Dragan Stojkovic , Eric Cantona and £10 million Jean-Pierre Papin .
19 Everyone accepts that journals have a house style about how to spell , and how to write abbreviations , but some articles come back with major changes .
20 But got back with tired crews and tired passenger .
21 The Mary Alice cam back with many holes in her , with a live 20mm cannon shell still in her tail resting behind Charlie Paceley ’ .
22 All these weapons can be lethal and the same tactics must be used against each one : stay out of range of the weapon ; grab anything that equals the odds and extends your own striking range ; and fight back with such determination and intensity that your attacker is either overwhelmed or forced back , allowing you to escape .
23 He hesitated and looked as if he was going to abandon the trip , his smile coming back with such speed that Maggie stood too .
24 This time it caught Millie across the wrist , and when she reacted by rising from her seat in an effort to leave the room , she found herself thrust back with such force that her head bobbed on her shoulders .
25 A few times she shouted at them , saying that they were disturbing the peace of the neighbourhood , but this did not discourage them ; a few evenings later they would come back with new songs .
26 Aprilia came back with similar feelings .
27 The road here crosses from England into Wales and back with increasing regularity .
28 On one occasion , I recall someone commenting that so-and-so came back with 235 holes in his airplane .
29 They both sat back with smug smiles on their faces and looked at Jacqui , like favourite uncles watching a child unwrap their Christmas present .
30 She had only to sit back with perfect composure — something at which she was adept — and wait for him to find his way through the necessary preliminaries to the real business of this meeting .
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