Example sentences of "back to her [conj] " in BNC.

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1 a talisman , a passport — and with Wood seeing them out onto the empty streets , he moved off through the cool , misty town , into Newlands Valley , over towards Buttermere , his heart hammering him on to get back to her before it was too late .
2 She almost laughed when she reflected that here was she fretting about whether Time would give him back to her or not .
3 Ari wondered how Leila would react if she went back to her and said .
4 Walter solves the problem by volunteering to report back to her and I am left alone , highly conspicuous but undisturbed and ignored by the crowd .
5 He turned his face back to her and she shook as if with a sudden , electric shock .
6 His eyes flickered past her and he smiled faintly before turning back to her and loudly questioning the validity of the original invoice .
7 But the next time Cecilia saw Daphne Bleech-Palmer Tina 's words came back to her and she was for a while shy and constrained .
8 As she began each one , Mum 's words came back to her and she felt her cheeks growing hot .
9 Cati imagined Rosalba leaving her home with him , marching away with her back to her and her destination ahead unknown ; and she cringed .
10 Then fitzAlan turned back to her and the serious , searching expression in those piercing light eyes banished reason of any description .
11 However , the trader subsequently filled in the form without having reported back to her and therefore without her authority .
12 The memory of all the things she had said to him came back to her and she was suddenly scared .
13 He came back to her and crouched down beside the lounger and took her hand in his to stroke it .
14 Jamie 's prophetic words floated back to her and she flung herself on to the bed , staring at nothing , her body rigid with the tension of a woman in the grip of violent , unsated desire .
15 But , she said , if Dew members wished to they could present it back to her and she would ensure it went through the proper channels for presentation to the borough council .
16 Also offering advice if we felt qualified to do so but referring to the relevant health services or back to her if not .
17 Susan hoped the skill would come back to her if it came to guns .
18 He pulled on his respirator , his mind made up to get back to her as soon as he could , for Nell Anderson was all he cared about now .
19 Miss Philimore 's self-satisfied tones came back to her as she fumbled with the tiny envelope .
20 A tell-tale phrase came back to her as she ran over the dew-wet marsh grass : The White Girl 's Grave .
21 He 'd give it back to her when he got out of the car .
22 He kept it , he told himself , to give back to her when she was kind and behaved like a proper wire .
23 Or are you hoping to keep her in ignorance so you can go back to her when you get tired of me and start wanting to respect yourself again ?
24 He would only be able to find his way back to her when he managed , for once in his life , to be honest about what he really felt and believed .
25 So I says , if we got ta get back to her cos I went to Margaret 's funeral .
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