Example sentences of "back and [pron] say " in BNC.

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1 And I was called back and they said Right .
2 ‘ He went back and they said , Yes , he could have it , and their horse and trolley was going round there at a certain date and would deliver it .
3 And they were in this grotty council house now and they go back and they said and you saw them going back and saying look at the state of the garden .
4 I got back and they said erm oh Gav 's r Gav did ring you and your mum .
5 Well they phoned back and they said , can you tell your husband to take his car to National Tyres er , that insurance has sent him , and could they give him an invoice for the insurance company .
6 They used to write back and they said he was always being sent out and I said that 's because he 's bored !
7 You 're what we want , you work hard at school , and the child comes back and they say , had a test today , how did you get on ?
8 And they come back and they say , I had a test today , I got five out of twenty .
9 It 's er if they come back and they say I 'm sorry I 'd gone
10 Then after half a year we get the tapes and they go back and we say that something may have to be changed .
11 So I came out with my speech about this weirdo , nothing in it et cetera et cetera , and then the money ran out and I got her to ring me back and I said it all over again ( nothing in it … ) and she hooted and said , ‘ I 'll bet .
12 They did work in er two worked in two different quarries but within a week or a fortnight that young lad approached one of our members and said he 's sorry that he 'd ever gone back and I said to him well come back and join us and forget it all .
13 Well he was dashing out when I when I called him erm his wife answered the phone and she said you just him he 's going out at the door so he came rushing back and I said I wanted him to judge champion of champions and the and I said there 'll be two and he said , hang on , and he 's write it down said I 'll just stick it all at one and see to it when I come back , oh I got ta go and he went .
14 I mean my dear , I said to Paul , Paul yesterday was was babbling on about if Karen would take him back and I said Paul I shall be extremely displeased if you ever leave this house to go back to Karen , you know o after only being with me for something like three or four weeks , I said you 'll never come back again I said I 'm not going to be messed about like that !
15 Oh it 's so funny , cos the second time he could n't , he came back and I think I was upstairs , and she did n't shut the door and I said all four , cos I 've got to pick her up at five , he said oh , anyway he went back , after dinner he 'd gone back and I said told you about it 's five o'clock , he said are you on me .
16 amazed I actually did erm what happened erm I was happened to be upstairs and my wife shouted quick quick there 's a zither , so I zoomed down here and the lady was still talking to you and a dialled well consequently I did n't get through for quite some time but I did eventually , erm your lady on the reception said well it 's gone now she said but I will give the lady 's telephone number and I spoke to the lady and told her the position and she says well if it 's not collected by so time I 'll g ring you back and I said well I 've been after one for a long long time she said well I ca n't understand it cos I 've been advertising it .
17 Anyway I went to see Foxy at lunchtime and erm and he said that erm er and I mentioned it to him and I said you know do n't go up to Sal and say Jess is feeling like erm you know , feeling that he 's , feeling really jealous because er if , if Sal is trying to get back that will just like please him , you know , if he is trying , if that 's the whole aim of the whole , you know , the operation then , then he 'll just feel pleased and it will also embarrass Jessica and she does n't want and if , and if it 's not , if it was nothing , you know , she 'll feel embarrassed so please do n't say anything and he said no no I 'll just make some subtle , subtle comment and he went up to , he told me that he went up to Sal and he goes erm and he says how 's everything going with Jessica and Sal goes yeah it 's good and , and he go erm cos er Phil erm cos Foxy goes oh cos it 's , it 's going really well with me and Catriona , it 's going really well I 'm really enjoying it , what about you , you know , and Sal goes yeah , it 's really good and Foxy goes erm you know is it , is it a long term thing then , you looking for a long term thing do you think and Sal goes yeah , what about you and Foxy goes yeah yeah definitely yeah , you know , cos he was doing it subtly so I came back and I said to Jess you know really , an and Foxy said there was nothing strange about , it was no f you know it was definitely to fe s f erm Sal was er you know being truthful , there was not like erm yeah well yeah you know and trying to get off the subject , it was n't it was completely , yeah , it 's brilliant , going really well , really enjoying it and it 's gon na be long term sort of thing .
18 And she fetched tomatoes back and I says here Steve you can have these tomatoes , I says they 're bloody disgusting .
19 so I er what you call it , I took it back and I says er there 's summat wrong with this one , I says it 's got a line or whatever it is , I says I ca n't get it off .
20 Well he was moving with the forklift , their forklift and he come back and he says
21 so he went back and he says er , oh he says er he says oh dear like , he says well carry on he says I 'll have to take the door off , so he says can you give a hand to hold it , cos he had to cut er this er like and all grown at the bottom of the door you know with
22 He goes back and he says I 've got some very bad news for you
23 Anyway , Thursday she was still there and my nephew came up rather unexpectedly to bring some photographs back and he said ‘ Where 's Nell ? ’ .
24 He came back and he said , nearly everywhere we work we 're working in confined spaces .
25 She asked whether he would be there when she got back and he said : ‘ Yes .
26 So anyway , he erm had his say quite a long story and er the Chairman turned round all of a sudden and he s he could n't say the Chairman er said call him cos that 's what we call him and he said er he said erm would you like to come back to the rostrum again and he said erm you were explaining to me about an accident you had in the quarry in quarry , erm some years back and he said , I 'd like you to explain to these people .
27 yes , because my er , my niece 's husband when he came er , oh they brought us back , they fetched us Boxing Day and brought us back and he said it would be a right off he said
28 yeah , and he went up the plot and he come back and he said cor you can have plenty old erm cold sheds that he could have got , I said what do you really think , I played a free hand , you mean mum and dad 's hand
29 A gentleman stopped me as I was coming back and he said do you own a white Austin Metro .
30 We left there , we left about half five , six in the morning did n't we and we were getting lost in and we knew it was in the village in that town but we could n't find it and we kept getting lost so we all pulled her up and he went back and he said to this man can you tell me where the
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