Example sentences of "over [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 By extending judicial review to cover such non-governmental bodies performing ‘ public functions ’ , the courts have provided a valuable means ( even if of marginal importance ) of exercising legal control over the pursuit of governmental aims and policies .
2 Protests in 1371 were followed by further outbursts in 1376 in the so-called ‘ Good Parliament ’ , whose members suspected that the search for personal profit had , in some cases , taken precedence over the pursuit of the national advantage .
3 If you were sitting there you would have to peer over the pile of cups on your lap .
4 The range of these " PAs " is wide — church fetes , gymkhanas , cheque presentations , pushing over the pile of pennies .
5 With the other he dipped what looked like a hearthbrush into the bucket then flung its load of holy-water drops all over the pile of stones .
6 Ellen dropped an awed curtsy , rounded eyes gazing up at him over the pile of red woollen mantle in her arms .
7 The sheriff ran his eye over the pile of guns , ammunition pouches and knives , till it came to rest on a radio transmitter .
8 These processes are justified by the fact that the audience wields some power over the moves of the managers .
9 Sunset over the Sea of Galilee
10 Now he lifted the whisk and moved to flick the stiff little brush with swift , sure gestures over the casing of the demi-divine dead paladin , commencing at his massive shoulders , descending reverently to his feet , almost as if dusting him — yet with quite a different consequence .
11 In between , and amid the unprecedented furore over the axing of Clive Rice and Jimmy Cook , Wessels had become South Africa 's new captain and had taken the squad to Australasia for the World Cup .
12 The prince 's remarks follow massive public anxiety over the Duchess of York 's jetsetting antics at the taxpayers ' expense .
13 These would have claimed much of Miller 's attention , but his expertise would have been in great demand over the cultivation of rare fruits .
14 So-called ‘ horror stories ’ ( gory illustrations depicting the de-beaking of turkeys , dogs being hanged , huntsmen exulting over the corpse of a fox , or reports of a senile researcher who failed properly to anaesthetise his animal subjects ) may well be effective copy and have an impact upon gullible readers but are of limited argumentative worth .
15 ‘ But , ’ I replied , ‘ if any of what we have said is true , why does Queen Margaret grieve over the corpse of an imposter ?
16 I heard over the weekend of a terrible fuss because one club member was proposing to use an echo sounder to help locate fish on a lake .
17 The biggest event organised by the Trust this year took place over the weekend of 23 and 24 June when the countryside was brought to Salford in Greater Manchester .
18 Over the weekend of 10/11 August , I was involved in the search for the two divers who went missing because their club was not following the code of practice worded above .
19 Over the weekend of 21/22 September 1985 , for example , 60 protesters were arrested for wire-cutting at Molesworth and a further 55 were arrested or reported for the same action at RAF Sculthorpe .
20 Colville 's diary shows just how shaken the Prime Minister was and how grim the mood that occasionally intruded at Chequers over the weekend of 24–25 July 1954 , during the ‘ stag party ’ to celebrate Oliver Lyttelton 's retirement from the Cabinet :
21 Here 's some advance warning of what 's happening at this year 's London Music Show , to be held at Wembley Conference Centre over the weekend of 28th and 29th November .
22 Whatever you 're doing over the weekend of 28th/29th November , forget it , your time could be better spent …
23 If you are in the south of the country over the weekend of the 23–25 May , then pop along to the English Riviera Centre in Torquay .
24 Four thousand and twenty six passenger journeys were recorded in two days over the weekend of July 26th and 27th .
25 NOT MANY preserved steam railways can boast two unique happenings in two days , but the West Somerset Railway did just that at its sixth annual Vintage Vehicle Rally and Steam Fayre over the weekend of August 1–2 .
26 The climax of the celebrations marking Taunton 150 , however , will be a series of Grand Locomotive Cavalcades on the West Somerset Railway over the weekend of July 4 and 5 .
27 A host of historic steam diesel and petrol engined vehicles , plus other interesting family attractions , will be on display over the weekend of August 1 and 2 .
28 It now takes place over the weekend of April 24 and 25 .
29 THE MIDLAND Railway Centre suffered a disastrous break-in over the weekend of August 15–16 and several major items of Signal and Telegraph equipment stolen .
30 THE FIRST steam gala that the Birmingham Railway Museum at Tyseley has organised in several years , took place over the weekend of Saturday-Sunday November 28/29th , and was acclaimed as an outstanding success in every respect .
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