Example sentences of "good [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This means that there is a good absorption of PABA from the colon .
2 As Taff poured me a good measure of cider and handed me a boiled egg and a chunk of meat I described the situation at No. 4 .
3 Because a standard IQ score is usually a good measure of g it efficiently tells us something important .
4 He poured the coffee , adding a good measure of brandy to each mug .
5 One day there will be a serious industrial accident ; there are occasional near misses and worse ; but it usually takes a good measure of folly , inattention and misfortune to overwhelm good plant and a safe system .
6 ‘ Preliminary discussions show a good measure of support in the trade , ’ said Cleveland Police .
7 But there is , as part of our common culture , a good measure of agreement between any two people on many , though frequently not the same , points .
8 Standing in the background is Aristotle , with a good measure of Derrida and Barthes .
9 ‘ We would also like to record publicly our overwhelming sense of gratitude to all the hospital staff who did so much to save Jo 's life , skilfully repair the dreadful injuries and to effect a good measure of rehabilitation .
10 You are writing a detective novel : you have pledged to your readers that there will be a good measure of detection still .
11 Between them , though , these hoofed herbivores ( ungulates ) demonstrate how efficiently vegetation can be divided up and utilized , if nature is given time enough for evolution to work , and a good variety of genes to work upon .
12 This peninsula into Lower lough Erne has a good variety of woodland birds , including sparrowhawks , long-eared owls and siskins , plus farmland species including a few corncrakes .
13 Good variety of seafood dishes .
14 I think they 've got quite good variety of kind of up market right down to , if you 're looking for a bargain .
15 The trade should provide a good variety of output for all tastes , from cheap classics to ‘ trash ’ , and in variety of outlets — ‘ B&Q should be seen as a place to buy books .
16 There is a good chance of seeing buzzard , raven , sparrowhawk and peregrine , and the possibility of spotting a red squirrel and a good variety of butterflies .
17 The numerous gravel pits near Chichester support a good variety of breeding species , notably Great Crested Grebes for which this is the most important area in Sussex , as well as passage migrants and wintering wildfowl ( for numbers , see Systematic List ) .
18 On many other routes , trolleys have provided an ideal lowcost solution and today 's timetable shows a good variety of trains , including many of Provincial 's Sprinter expresses .
19 The swimming pool , garden terraces and poolside bar are the daytime focus of attention for those who want to lie back and soak up the Mediterranean sun , and the restaurant and caféteria serve a good variety of snacks throughout the day .
20 The Nitsa has its own snackbar and there 's an excellent bar just opposite called Tropicana which is a favourite with Club 18–30 holidaymakers serving a great English breakfast and a good variety of snacks all day .
21 In this worthwhile presentation they have given the steam enthusiast a good variety of shots and locations which keep the interest for the full extent of the film .
22 THE SOFTWARE MAGAZINE VERDICT : FOR : 40 different aircraft , many not available in other flight sims Good variety of missions CGA , EGA and VGA graphics supported Small program — comes on 1 disk !
23 ‘ The course has a good variety of subjects , and is giving me a taste of different job areas like computing , and office and information studies , as well as numeracy and communication .
24 Good variety of whiskies and a fine choice of beers .
25 And I I , I hope that I , I hope there 's a good variety of people will again , as you always have done will turn up er , this year to share fellowship a , on this theme which er , is is a refresh theme I think for , for many of us .
26 The Samba boasts a good range of facilities , including a lounge with pool table , TV room , table tennis and a snack bar serving a good variety of food and drink .
27 There is no need to become over-anxious about the subject of diet for the elderly.We simply need to keep a careful eye on things , to see that they are eating a good variety of food which includes plenty of protein , dairy products and fresh fruit and vegetables , together with some roughage , which is often best taken in the form of a bran cereal , and which will , in many cases , completely eliminate the problem of constipation and ease that of piles .
28 However , as the majority of schemes proposed was to have been in small towns where there was already a relatively good provision of council houses , they have often not been implemented .
29 Ms Armstrong said : ‘ Good provision of nursery places for young children is crucial to allow women back to work .
30 Much depends on having a good provision of aids geared to the needs of those in residence , not ‘ hand me downs ’ from previous occupants , to maximise individual independence .
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