Example sentences of "'re part [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And , ’ he added , ‘ you 're part of the shopping expedition tomorrow morning . ’
2 It 's our due , for we 're part of the household .
3 Because , have no doubt , it is our problem , since , to quote an old saying , ‘ If you are n't part of the solution you 're part of the problem . ’
4 You 're part of the experiment .
5 They 're part of the job . ’
6 Even as he was shaking his head , Patrick could hear Tom Rooney saying to him , " You 're part of the organization now … we look after our own , " and then he remembered the young gunman 's statement , " We need people like you … if any of you feel like joining … "
7 If you 're white , you 're not part of the solution you 're part of the problem …
8 ‘ They 're part of the Gondal story .
9 They 're part of the hundred percent
10 cos they 're part of the business unit .
11 ‘ But I happen to have fallen in love with your mother and , well , you 're part of the package , if you see what I mean . ’
12 Erm well they 're part of the G C S E syllabus .
13 ‘ Now you 're part of the family . ’
14 They 're part of the background of the house .
15 They 're part of the changing retail scene which ranges from the modern shopping centres at one end of the spectrum to squat shops , short term let shops and car boot sales at the other , for the other less source of er retailing , source of purchasing from a decreasing number of people erm trade in car boot sales are subject to the same controls as high street traders basically be product safety , erm , but as well as those problems we are increasingly coming across other problems in particularly counterfeit goods , goods like that on sale at car boot sales , quite attractive , wholly illegal and it wo n't be out for about six or nine months yet .
16 You 've no choice , you 're part of the international environment and you operate in that and you ca n't control , as I 've said before , er even if you 're as powerful as the United States , you ca n't control that environment and you do n't claim to control that environment in the same way that you claim to control your domestic environment .
17 You see you 're part of the international scene whether you realize it or not .
18 Everyone knows you now — you 're part of the team . ’
19 We 're one of 29 units here , we 're part of the normal community .
20 For delegates , they 're part of the furniture .
21 I know , I said that to Kevin , if you 're part of the family
22 Now it did n't mean that you build his war machine , but the Kuwaiti people being so close , or actually bordering , we helped the economy of Baghdad , we helped the economy of the Iraq , and we contributed thirteen billion dollars , just the government alone , to their economy and the people of Kuwait also helped with their own private donation to help the schools , the hospitals , the food , whatever they needed , and the country of Kuwait was erm trying to be , as my friend said , as neutral as possible because there is Irani interest in Kuwait , very great through trade , through Iranis who work in Kuwait , so we had a very difficult position with respect to keeping both parties erm sort of in sight , not lose sight of them from our humanistic point of view , but it was erm difficult to avoid being on the side of the Iraqui , mainly because they 're neighbours and they 're Arabs , and you 're part of the league of Arab states , so you ca n't draw the line and say the government was pro or against , but that was the atmosphere which we were leaving .
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