Example sentences of "'re there [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They 're there under the bridge .
2 Now as the United Nations does n't have enough on its plate dealing with the problems on earth and obviously they 're er they 're there at the forefront of everything that happens .
3 If you 're there for a week , you could comfortably play the two groups we recommend for their value , hospitality and enjoy some agreeable accommodation .
4 Erm they 're the they 're there for a purpose and their size is there for a purpose in terms of er of the constrictions of the other road er sizing or whatever , and obviously huge vehicles who just ca n't possibly manoeuvre without going over .
5 ‘ I know speed limits can be boring and frustrating but they 're there for a reason , ’ added Ch Insp Williams .
6 Just to get to , and er so we 've , we 're there for an hour or so , then we are going er the Y M C A at Lakeside
7 Mature students usually end up doing better — they 're there for the right reasons . ’
8 We 're there for the Na-Nazi riots — but for too much of the time we 're not .
9 Then France was mentioned , and he said something ordinary , like you can always tell you 're there from the smell of the place , how you could tell even if you were blindfold .
10 Erm straight into the city centres of most major cities so you er if you travel by train you 're there in the centre if that 's where you want to be .
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