Example sentences of "'re [vb pp] for it " in BNC.

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1 They 're designed for it . ’
2 The cast and crew get on famously and are throwing yet another party — a ‘ vicars and tarts ’ one I believe ( you 're made for it ) , but I decline this evening 's invitation out of reverence for my Mom .
3 and you 're ch you 're charged for it .
4 Well you 're charged for it from the erm a private call but you 're not charged
5 There 's all those women talking about setting up a feminist information centre , they need people to help , you 're trained for it , and here you are going away — ’
6 I do think paths have got to have people on them , they 're meant for it . ’
7 We 're covered for it anyway .
8 We are elected by the public to do a job and we should n't be ashamed of the amount of money that we 're paid for it , and what I would say is , that no manifesto in May 's election said we were going to come here and vote for more money for members , nobody put on their leaflets , vote for me and I will raise members allowances by five percent in the coming year , I did n't and I wo n't support that , and you will argue , perhaps some of you that that 's not really what we 're doing , but it look 's like it , does n't it ?
9 Two years ago , such farms were told to be self-sustaining , self- financing , many state subsidies were withdrawn , yet here today they 're still working to a central plan which dictates how much they produce and how much they 're paid for it , so decades of mismanagement are compounded by a lack of funds .
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