Example sentences of "down at her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They both glanced down at her cotton jersey skirt and matching aqua-blue blouse , and Belinda saw , as he must have seen , that the outfit was looking a little tired at this stage in the day .
2 She looked down at her cotton skirt , pleating it with small , brown fingers .
3 ‘ One hour , then , ’ she said coldly , glancing down at her watch to check the time .
4 She glanced down at her watch .
5 Briefly , she glanced at the other woman , then looked down at her watch .
6 The sound of the distant chimes of Big Ben broke into her thoughts , and , on looking down at her watch , Laura gave a yelp of dismay .
7 ‘ It would certainly be a lot better than your present situation , ’ Julie agreed , glancing down at her watch .
8 Miss Havisham looked down at her dress , and then at her face in the mirror on the table .
9 She stared down at her dress , blushing as she remembered how little she was wearing beneath it .
10 Robyn snapped , glancing down at her wellingtons and the mud-stained tapestry of colours which covered the polished floor .
11 She looked down at her lap .
12 She paused and looked down at her lap .
13 ‘ Like this , ’ Stella said , looking down at her overall , and Dotty said clothes did n't matter , it was the inner person that counted .
14 Her eyes were held for a few moments in the lazy gaze across the desk , then with a conscious effort she blinked herself free , looked down at her notepad .
15 Felicity shrugged it off , looking down at her notepad .
16 ‘ I 'll have to change , ’ she said flatly , glancing down at her shorts and turning away .
17 She started to spring away — ‘ What the devil do you think you 're doing ? ’ — and simultaneously glanced down at her pyjama-jacket .
18 As for her voice , it seemed to be down at her elbow somewhere , and it was only by a kind of automatic reflex that she was singing at all .
19 Deliberately she sat herself down at her desk and examined her post .
20 She went back to her own office and sat down at her desk again .
21 Late one afternoon , after a particularly demanding day , she sat down at her desk and burst into tears .
22 She threw herself down at her desk and read Nicola 's note through yet again , the sparkle of excitement in her eyes .
23 She sat down at her desk and sorted through her mail .
24 Alex sat down at her desk and took several very deep breaths .
25 One thing about having a job , she thought , sitting down at her desk and leafing through the messages which had been left for her , it certainly takes your mind off your worries .
26 She stepped inside and , still wearing the soaked cape , ready at an instant to flee , sat down at her desk .
27 Easy for him to say that , Merrill thought , as she thankfully sat down at her desk after he 'd left .
28 When he had gone , Sara sat down at her desk .
29 Rose came back into the room , and sat down at her desk .
30 She stared glumly down at her brandy glass .
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