Example sentences of "down [conj] [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 By Sunday night , Vicky realized Seth was n't planning to settle down and marry anytime soon .
2 Last month , Department of Justice lawyers said that US military personnel could track down and apprehend drug traffickers abroad .
3 He is not in any other big races , which are closed anyway , so we might as well let him down and stop work with him .
4 This swelling enlarges , becomes very painful , and , if untreated , will eventually break down and discharge pus .
5 Then we 'd sit down and eat air meals to practise handling silverware or practise ‘ seating the lady ’ .
6 I 'd have tuna fish , I 'd have ham , everything because you can eat as much meat you could sit down and eat cabbage , swedes , runner beans , cauliflower , peas every vegetable
7 The whole lot was to come down and make way for a million square feet of office space , and the company developing the site had held a competition to find a master-planner .
8 I am a sole practitioner and have been asked to stand down and make way as auditor of a limited company for a larger outfit , following a JMU visit .
9 Royal licences to quarry stones , or to cut down and sell timber in the woods of subjects , or to bring such woods into cultivation , or to pasture cattle therein , were frequently preceded by such an inquiry held by the Justice of the Forest or his deputy .
10 I know that a lot of blacks are just expecting things to come to them ; they 're sort of free living , it 's our nature to sit down and enjoy life .
11 It will settle down and reduce Chair , through you , that the , the , the national figure has been announced that the , for the future year , and it does recognize the fact that there is an assumption that the number of people who D S S continues to support directly will have fallen by thirty five percent by the end of this year , and there will be a further fall , and the amount that 's transferred is very much related to here 's the total available , how much does the D S S need to hold on to meet its commitments , and how much is left to distribute to the local authorities .
12 You really need to calm down and take life more stoically to reinforce your position .
13 The advice to drivers is to slow down and take heed of the warning signals .
14 And once the baby 's born everyone 's bound to calm down and take stock of things , realise what 's important in life .
15 It imposes statutory obligations on employers to set down and implement policy to safeguard the health and safety of their employees .
16 Would that I had the luxury of a museum director to track down and obtain credit for works by other artists that owe even superficial debts to my work .
17 Something I 'd never to do , so I had to settle down and get School Certificate , which I got with my matric exemption , and people from did .
18 My , I better go down and get cling film I suppose .
20 The weapons bay is too small to accommodate much of a bomb : it is designed to take the AMRAAM , a new air-to-air missile that uses its own radar to hunt down and destroy enemy aircraft .
21 They expected the angels to come down and join battle with them — ‘ the sons of light ’ — against their enemies — ‘ the sons of darkness ’ — and to give them victory over all other peoples .
22 We 'll be going to London for a few days next month to find suitable premises , so I 'll be able to go down and see Mum and Dad and the children .
23 Late in the morning Valeria suggested we should all go down and have breakfast , and as we came down the staircase we saw to our horror that her mother was waiting for us at the bottom .
24 ‘ We can drive down and have lunch in Winchester and be back by dinner time . ’
25 So , if you 'd like to come down and have conversation ?
26 I asked her if she would like to come down and have tea with us , but … . ’
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