Example sentences of "'ve [vb pp] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , and I do n't now but i I mean I 'm certainly in two I 've been since there 's people who 've referred to the fact that they do n't have those members of staff working for them at the optimum days ,
2 Looking to , I 've referred to the possible changes and the recommendations really say that , at present there 's insufficient information and it 's against a background of very dramatic future changes in fire safety .
3 As usual I 've pandered to the distortomanaics among you , but the preamp 's clean channels really are something too .
4 Well , you 've jumped to the wrong conclusion .
5 Outside , it 's still raining , and as we gallantly struggle to open our umbrella in the wind , we suddenly find we 've come to a halt beside a large black car , and a man in a smart suit is opening the door for us to get in .
6 ‘ I feel very angry that you 've come to a conclusion about me without discussing the matter with me . ’
7 I 've come to a lot of conclusions about myself within the last four months .
8 I feel I 've come to a full stop and so does Toby .
9 ‘ I 've come to a decision , ’ he said .
10 I 've come to a series of decisions .
11 I 've come to a tremendous decision today .
12 ‘ You see , ’ the chief inspector went on , ‘ I 've come to a dead end . ’
13 No my my own view and it 's I I do n't know if I 've come to a view on the relative weight of those sorts of considerations er I I 'd need to think about it some more before I could come to a view on that .
14 And they 've come to a judgement on those issues and their judgement is that erm they s should support the principle of a western route .
15 And then we go back to the point which Mr Cunnane wanted to raise and they 've had their lunchtime discussions , see whether you 've come to a some form of agreement or resolution on that .
16 People who have intelligence and a conscience wrestle with these problems and we 've come to a conclusion which is as good a deal as we think we can get , with the people of the area and with the Labour party and I think he said that if people in this authority are sufficiently obstructive for a sufficiently long time then people will change their minds .
17 You 've come to a number of those I guess ?
18 I 'm glad you 've come to no harm , spending the night in the street . ’
19 Fight back those tears at The Inevitable Parting : ‘ You and me , boy , I reckon we 've come to the end of our road . ’
20 But I 've come to the conclusion that these are sometimes a bit astrological , particularly if you 're in a competitive situation .
21 I think I 've come to the end of what I can do . ’
22 ‘ Aye , well , lass , if you 're after wor Robbie you 've come to the wrong shop .
23 ‘ But we 've come to the conclusion that since not everybody 's ready for it , we 'd better start packaging some of our most popular strings both ways — individually in sixes , and collectively in one packet — and let players make up their own minds .
24 I 've come to the conclusion that Odilo Unverdorben , as a moral being , is absolutely unexceptional , liable to do what everybody else does , good or bad , with no limit , once under the cover of numbers .
25 Just at the moment other men are beginning to wonder if they 've come to the end of themselves , and if this is all that life has to offer , you discover a complete new range of abilities in yourself .
26 ‘ You 've come to the right place , then , ‘ she said cheerfully , leading the way inside .
27 I could say that you 've come to the wrong place , but I wo n't . ’
28 I 've come to the conclusion that dieting makes you self-conscious , and I do n't weigh myself any more because I find it much too depressing .
29 ‘ We 've come to the parting of the ways .
30 I 've come to the conclusion I do n't care any more .
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