Example sentences of "'ve [vb pp] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've stopped because I had hoped you 'd give me an explanation . ’
2 Recently though , I have become less depressed with the help of antidepressants and I 've realised that I no longer want to be ill .
3 ‘ I 've heard that I 'm the most unsavoury , unconscionable character that ever existed but people all want to be associated with me and sit with me , ’ he said .
4 That 's not what I 've heard and I 've been asking around about you .
5 I 've come and I 've took my boots off and poured the bloody rain out .
6 eighty nine thousand , I need another go round and another thousand pound and I 've won because I 've got me two thingybobs
7 I 've forgotten when I was last there .
8 I 've got layers on in case they 've vanished when I get home ! ’
9 Yeah but that money is , you 've saved and I mean nan put that in when you were younger too , a lot of it .
10 Of all the men I 've met since I even realised there was a difference between the sexes , why did it have to be this one who got under my skin ? ’
11 Why ca n't you just say : " There 's a bloke I 've met and I 'm bringing him home for tea on Tuesday . "
12 They 've been they 've done before I believe .
13 Which I 've done since I was sixteen .
14 Horbury , 55 , said : ‘ I 'm sure Daniel will never forgive me for what I 've done but I hope he does . ’
15 The shows on that 1987 reunion tour are among the best we 've done and I remember a cracking night in the Olympia which would have been the last time we visited Dublin .
16 But do n't do n't get me wrong I mean I 'm not saying I 'm a fucking saint , cos I 've done and I 'll probably do it again but
17 It would go like this : ‘ I 've noticed that I regularly groan when I 'm in pain .
18 When he was first with me I could belt up about seven in the morning , but , recently I 've noticed that I feel unwell if I get up and rush out .
19 I mean I spoke to Jane the other Sunday and I , I said to her you know , just be honest , I said I do n't care what you said , but just be honest and tell me how much you think I weigh , cos she does n't know how much I weigh and she thought I weighed about ten stone , I said well stick thirteen pounds on top of that , then you 'll be right , she could n't believe that I , that I weighed that much , so obviously it does n't look that bad and people at work , well they 've noticed that I 've lost weight , but they do n't say how much they think I weigh , so I do n't want come to them to sort of , have a , have a g have a guess of my weight .
20 But I 've decided that I 'll only be in the band as long as I 'm doing other things as well as .
21 So I 've decided that I will suppose he has posted it .
22 Whereas before I used to say let's do this or that and worry if it was n't done , now I 've decided that I 'm really not going to worry about the garden any more .
23 Come over the road with me , it 's your last night and I 've decided that I must show you my garden . ’
24 So it tells me , once I 've decided when I 'm gon na see all these people , I 've now got to get names in here have n't I ?
25 Er , I know I 've made some mistakes which they 've missed and I 've managed to put those right as I went on .
26 I catch up on video tapes of TV shows I 've missed and I read a lot .
27 At the first hearing , she had a gloomy , slit-mouthed sidekick with the worst case of acne I 've seen since I gave up computer programming , but this time he was n't there .
28 Ten days after Mr Clinton unveiled his package , he said he supported it ‘ unconditionally ’ , describing it as ‘ the best , most promising budget I 've seen since I 've been in Congress . ’
29 The second bit I 've seen but I need to see the first bit .
30 If he , he does n't want to talk about potential because it will er not make the , the , the necessary action immediate , but if he can come back and say I 've seen and I know what 's going on
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