Example sentences of "'ve [verb] it is " in BNC.

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1 From what I 've heard it is quick as well .
2 From what I 've heard it is quick .
3 Oh that 's right , that 's why they 've done it is n't it ?
4 The shame of it is we have the capacity to provide them with that peace but we 've decided it is n't worth it . ’
5 But as you 've spent so long thinking it over , I suspect that , deep down , you 've decided it is n't really worth the risk .
6 It 's best with the , what , the best way I 've seen it is with a numbers disk .
7 Well there 's not a lot of point telling you la , if you 've seen it is there ?
8 That WordScan can achieve 100% with some of the tracts we 've fed it is testament to the programmers ' ability and the use of a dictionary .
9 Of course , although we 've said it is tailless , you can add one if you wish .
10 After all , we all know how often we tell the truth , and I 'm sure it does n't seem anything like as complicated a process as I 've said it is .
11 I do n't know where it is , where 's Bryony 's rain cover James ? , oh it 's down here look , it 's on the kitchen floor you 've put it is this your space suit to go to the moon ? , is that your space suit Richard ?
12 And that 's the way around that little er Again it 's something that you 'll Does n't occur to you until it 's come upon you , you 've dealt with it and you 've realized it is a problem .
13 If the circle that I 'm looking at is six miles , which you 've implied it is .
14 And that 's why they 've mentioned it is n't it ?
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