Example sentences of "'ve [verb] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But much more detailed and as a result not only of about twelve days ' training which we 've undertaken in that area with the management team , or various of them , but also of our experience over the last eighteen months in operating it .
2 So I think we 've developed in that direction that I can go ahead as soon as I 've got some dates and book it properly with Mr .
3 It is a terrible irony that although they are invisible to the planners all of us who 've travelled in developing countries can not fail to have noticed these children out of school .
4 I can see my life as a road , and I can go back on that road and see what I 've passed and come to terms with what I have passed by without realising and appreciating ; how I 've stopped in various cafes on the way and met interesting people in them and had fascinating conversations when all the time I should have been speaking to the person on the next table instead . ’
5 I can see my life as a road , and I can go back on that road and see what I 've passed and come to terms with and what I have passed by without realising and appreciating ; how I 've stopped in various cafes on the way and met interesting people in them and had fascinating conversations when all the time I should have been speaking to the person on the next table instead . ’
6 ‘ Is that before or after we 've stopped in some back alley somewhere ? ’
7 From what you 've taught in that third lesson
8 Erm , I mean I think if we 're wishing to analyse the application , I I think we must consider what it does n't do for the village , and I think there are a number of aspects that have to be considered , erm , first of all as a village , and I 've heard in this very Parish Council that the reputed view made that there is a need for small village accommodation , this development certainly does not provide that , we 've also expressed a view that it would be nice to retain the existing bungalow , because that is small village accommodation , and although it only has a very limited history , again it would be nice to retain it as an integral part of the village .
9 ‘ And when I 've succeeded in convincing you , will I get to see this more often ?
10 A hundred and fifty films , television and video productions they 've attracted in four years .
11 I 've come in this theatre in nineteen seventy five .
12 We at the Institute research into those disasters erm for which we currently have an expertise , as it were , but erm our group was founded actually at the beginning of erm the nineteen seventies and we have specialised quite a lot into looking at famine food erm emergencies and nutritional and medical engineering , sanitation aspects of famines , and lately we 've included in that erm quite of lot of , of work , research work into refugees , the cause of refugees , the prevention of refugees , the alleviation of suffering of refugees , particularly in developing countries .
13 You 're only the second Scot I 've met in ten months . ’
14 Some sixty per cent of the amendments that we 've adopted in this field have been incorporated in the finished legislation and that means in reality that much of the content of these laws has come from Nigel 's pen , the pens of the other trade unionists inside and outside the G M B that he 's plugged in to that system extremely worthwhile .
15 oh , you know , that 's , that 's it because for thirteen years they have dismantled the social system , that 's what they 've done in thirteen years , so they ca n't say overnight , we 'll put it all back because there is n't , there , there is n't the finance there because they 've spent it all to have done what they 've done
16 What is likely to happen of course is that er in the year two thousand and ten when we do need these fast reactors , we 'll be buying in French or Japanese technology as we 've done in many other areas which is all rather sad really .
17 And how well the they 've done in that situation .
18 And try and tell them briefly what you 've done in that sort of area you know , and , and see wh see what they say .
19 We anticipate a shortfall of fifteen thousand pounds compared to our original budget and what we 've done in that is we 've taken an element of seven thousand in a sense below the line so that it does n't affect this committee , but this committee has had to find eight thousand pounds with that shortfall and now the bulk of that has been met by the savings we found elsewhere in the budget and the final item there is er setting up a consultants budget of ten thousand pounds , there 's not a consultants budget of any significance at , at the moment of the committee erm the County Planning Officer anticipates there 's a need for consultants in the minerals local plan work which we 're coming into this year and also to assist in environmental assessments er and special on that .
20 Not , yes , it 's based on what erm , on the kind of stuff we 've done in this course .
21 I 've seen in real life , !
22 I mean I think that 's really what we 've seen in eastern Europe
23 But are n't , are n't changes are n't these changes er in Russia and in China forced upon them to a degree by circumstances , by the fact that the outside world immediately withdraws and opposes a rising of the people as a whole against the established government er I mean we 've seen in recent times with Iran and so on have n't we ?
24 I mean he was saying look we 're going to go out and we 're going to market Britain to the overseas visitors and they do bring a lot of money into this country , but I mean are we really going to get back to the levels that we 've seen in recent years ?
25 ‘ Like nothing you 've seen in prime time or on God 's earth , ’ Time magazine raved .
26 I do n't support this blanket band of reducing surplus places for the sake of reducing surplus places , like the district auditor , and if quote right , it 's an accountant looking at erm , looking at figures and nothing else , and I think that is the problem with the issue , erm , we 've seen in other schools , in larger schools , where they 've developed erm , classrooms into a decent library , or resource area , but in the , in the , in the overall spectrum they 're still counted as classroom spaces , and if that classroom was put back er in , into a class , the school would suffer environmentally , because that school would have no library facilities , no resource facilities which it 's able to appreciate at the present time .
27 Give you an analysis of your client bank , it 'll tell you how many you 've seen this year , how many you 've seen in two years , three years , four years , and it frightens the senior associates who have got maybe eight hundred , a thousand clients , and it said , seen in the last four years , and it 's got twenty .
28 After things that we 've seen in that field .
29 Erm it 'll be basically the same shape as what you 've seen in that .
30 Moving to page three , is the revised estimates for your Committee for the current year , and you 'll see there , the format is somewhat to the one you 've seen in future years , we have had
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