Example sentences of "'ve [verb] [to] be " in BNC.

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1 I 've got ta be real careful about listening to tapes before I go out there , so I do n't put on something too far out . ’
2 ‘ We 've got ta be the only band in history to be sued by a comics company and a clothing company , ’ says Eugene , wryly .
3 The lyrics are pretty much standard , if mild , slackness , a typical ragga-gruff voice explaining how you 've got ta be a top shag to please a girl .
4 I 've got ta be up at five in the mornin' , ’ he said , knowing it was useless to discuss it any further .
5 We 've got ta be ready fer 'im .
6 And at the same time you 've got ta be able to talk to the managing director and have lunch with him and talk about what was on television and what the state of the country is and the economic situation and everything , you know .
7 You 've got ta be able to trust the man . ’
8 cos if he he 's on a twelve hour shift and , those meetings tend to be have been around the same sort of time , then obviously , what we 've got ta be careful about is , adding any more hours
9 I think the thing we 've got ta be careful about , is also trying to er i if we ask everybody put all their analysis as such , we could start thinking panicking or whatever
10 Speak up loud , you 've got ta be speak up loud and clear .
11 Each state has , in some states you can be eighteen and carry a gun but in another state you 've got ta be twenty one , they make all different laws .
12 It 's , I mean what you 've got ta be is , is realistic .
13 You 've got ta , you 've got ta be hardworking .
14 You 've got ta be
15 you could ac what you , what you , you 've got ta be careful what you 're
16 We 've got ta be careful that in er using that sheet , we do n't do it in such a way as to bully and turn off the customer by saying , by the way , you 'd better make sure you 've done this , this , this , this and this , cos I 'm not doing it .
17 You 've got ta be in the job five years opposed to two years to get protection against unfair sacking , sick pay , redundancy pay , maternity leave .
18 a member of the G M B. I 'm proud to say that I 'm a trade unionist , and I 'm proud to say that I 'm a Socialist , and if I 'm gon na remain that , and if we 're gon na carry that message forward , we 've got ta be on the move , we 've got ta do it , we 've got ta carry it forward , we ca n't afford to muddle our way through .
19 And I often say that young ladies who are looking over their shoulder like this , you 've got ta be careful of the neck because when they turn round and look over their shoulder you get creases in the neck , and there is a slight crease in the neck there but most of it has been disguised by covering it with her hair , so look out for that when you have a young lady , or anybody , looking over their shoulder , particularly with young ladies , when they look over their shoulder like that it does cause creases in the side of the neck which can be unsightly .
20 They 've got ta be really good er good things .
21 In Sinn Fein and the I R A there is an umbrella organization and we 've got ta be careful legally here .
22 No you 've got ta be a bit more precise though .
23 You , you know how I feel , I mean er Rob does a lot of good work but he keeps it all to himself and we 've got ta be bigger than keeping it to ourselves , it 's everybody 's responsibility vocational education from right down from year seven right the way across the board , they 've got ta
24 if you 're gon na plan bare rooted trees and stuff you 've got ta be doing it in the dormant season , so you 're talking October , November possibly October .
25 I mean I you 've got ta be clear what it is you actually want to do .
26 See , Sue has n't come back to me , the science department has n't come to me so I 'm not , I may leave that and say , and do something like that next year in a module or wait until I 've finished again I do n't mind , that 's still something in my mind which I would like to do but because talking to the form tutor 's , what I had written down as a fait a complet erm they 're not too keen so therefore I opened up and say you know , which particular things they were interested in the banking one they are very interested in the environment one , yes , within the school tidy upping area that they would like to do but I 've got ta be able to , and I do n't when planting season is or if I wan na put , be able to put flowers in etcetera , you see what I mean ?
27 They steer people away from any home which they believe is likely to be closed and once you start doing this , you will in fact be sealing the fate of those homes and you it 's a very , very dangerous game , you 've got ta be , you 've got ta play it very , very carefully indeed and I hope Chairman that there can be a degree of common sense and rationality introduced into discussions between the members of the various groups who have to deal with these very difficult issues .
28 trying to tell them that they they must of course need in fact to spend two and a half thousand pound on a full page in a medical practice booklet er for two years , you 've got ta be punchy on the phone have n't you Trevor ?
29 I 've got ta be able to tell him that .
30 And I , I really get the impression that , for a while , you know there was , there was just this incredible rush and they just thought oh we 've got to do something , and , and tha that 's what and this idea that you 've got ta be right
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