Example sentences of "being used as [art] " in BNC.

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1 The architect Richard MacCormac said , ‘ I believe there is a danger that classicism is being used as a cure-all architectural pill , when architecture has got a lot more to it than just putting in columns and capitals .
2 Preoccupation with the squad was being used as a propaganda ramp for the IRA .
3 Average milk yields of 6,000–6,500 litres per lactation were common with fairly detailed recording being used as a management aid at two of the farms .
4 As has been implied , the motivation of the regionalist novelists was often extra-literary , the novel being used as a vehicle to draw a particular situation to the eyes of the world , to influence public opinion and , thereby , to bring about social change .
5 LIPHOOK Civil Service Retirement Fellowship met on election day at the village hall as their usual venue at Liphook Church Centre was being used as a polling station .
6 Currently in the nursing field , computers are being used as a medium for communicating in nursing practice , education , management and research .
7 Toward the end of the year , we were given a holiday on a Thursday because the school was being used as a polling station for the General Election .
8 Yet the interest lies in seeing the distinction between direct and precatory words being used as a test .
9 Now the premises are being used as a Community Centre and small workshops .
10 The extent to which land has and is being used as a long-term security by pension funds and by finance houses , and the entry of foreign buyers into the land ; market , are dealt with anecdotally .
11 Here the cat is being used as a symbol of sexual attraction .
12 When , as it were , it is flaunted as The Problem , it is more often being used as a defence against a deeper , underlying one .
13 We consider this comment to be without foundation and should point out that as a condition of the land being used as a permanent site for our mobile home , we have had to plant over 100 conifers , together with shrubs and rose bushes .
14 The injection is not a conventional vaccine as it treats the infection rather than being used as a preventive measure .
15 Meanwhile Ceauşescu became convinced , in common with other East European states in hock to Western bankers , that credit was being used as a political weapon and that Reagan intended to finance his rearmament through the interest due on their loans .
16 ‘ When sound came in , in 1928 , Keaton had signed to MGM and began being used as a vehicle for really average production-line gags .
17 It had been successful up to the 1960s , but had latterly declined to being used as a bingo hall .
18 However , this is clearly not what is going on in anorexia nervosa , although I do believe that emptiness is being used as a metaphor .
19 She had already obtained a legal separation from her mother , claiming she was being used as a nursemaid for the baby in the family .
20 The phrase X is reinforced by Y … is being used as a cover term for ‘ X wants Y ’ , ‘ X likes Y ’ , ‘ X wishes that Y were the case ’ , etc … .
21 An orange box was obviously being used as a replacement for the missing leg as well as serving as a miniature bookcase , for there were seven tattered books on the dividing shelf and a stack of old newspapers below it .
22 Director of social work Ian Baillie claimed the Kirk was being used as a ‘ punchball ’ between central and local government .
23 In his view Tom was being used as a pawn in the relationship between his parents and unless his parents did come to an arrangement whereby ‘ a more stable home situation ’ was provided , Tom would benefit from a residential school placement .
24 As has been normal for most organized communities that are not based on a money economy , African society was based on slavery ( in the sense of the life-long ownership of human beings who could be traded ) , which sometimes involved plantation work or even being used as a human sacrifice : there is no calculus to compare the disadvantages of local slavery with those of being taken across the Atlantic and used as plantation or mining labour .
25 The dose should be calculated on an individual basis , with age , body weight , and renal function being used as a guide .
26 His remarks were made when one of the locations used to store a unique collection of German literature taken from Germany in 1945 was recently handed back to the Orthodox Church , after four decades of being used as a store for the collection .
27 Before long he is involved , through loyalty to a Spanish relative , in the vexed affairs of old Don Baltasar , whose seaboard estate is being used as a refuge for pirates secretly commanded by James O'Brien , a villain with a front as a respected official in the Jamaican government .
28 In other words , women 's caring responsibilities are being used as a ground for excluding them from benefits .
29 The debates about the relationship between length of stay and readmission have served to highlight the potential of readmission rates being used as a surrogate measure of outcome after hospital care .
30 Community care is being used as a euphemism for family care and it seems unlikely that recent policy developments will alter the basic pattern .
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