Example sentences of "being made for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The health risks to nonsmokers [ of passive smoking ] provide added argument for the reduction of smoking in the community , and nonsmoking should be regarded as the norm in enclosed areas frequented by the public or employees , special provision being made for smokers , rather than vice versa. ’ [ 4 ] .
2 Secondly , what redundancy arrangements are being made for members of the amalgamated regiments who will not be needed for the defence of the nation ?
3 The Changeling is being made for BBC 2 's Saturday night Performance series .
4 Certain value added tax cases would tend to indicate that the amount of benefit obtained by a taxpayer if the trustees allow him the use of a Ming Vase would equate to the sort of rent which they could have received if they had let the vase with appropriate adjustments being made for insurance , agreeing to house the vase , etc .
5 By the last decade of the century there is however abundant evidence of offers being made for posts .
6 By ‘ real labour costs ’ we mean not just the real wage , but the total cost of employing labour , including the employers ' National Insurance contributions , deflated by an appropriate price index , and with an allowance being made for changes in labour productivity .
7 It would have outlawed abortions in all cases except where pregnancy threatened a woman 's life , no exceptions being made for pregnancy resulting from rape or incest , and no account being taken of a woman 's ill-health or poverty .
8 Arrangements were being made for signature by Estonia , Kirghistan , Lithuania , Moldova and Turkmenistan .
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